This post may contain affiliate links. See my disclosure statement for details. 

Looking back on 2021, remembering the changes and surprises, and looking ahead to the new year. 

6 Steps to a Cozy Winter Home from On Sutton Place

I just read what I wrote at this time last year, in my wrap-up post for 2020. I had just finished a double bathroom renovation at the Sutton Place house, and had big plans to begin a kitchen remodel. Who would have thought that one year later I would be writing this from a new home? Certainly not me. In fact, a year ago, it had never even entered my mind!

(At the end of the post, my Home Style Saturdays crew is sharing their wrap-ups too.)

valentines day dessert raspberry crisp in heart dish

Get the raspberry crisp recipe HERE.

The year began with COVID still rearing its ugly head. We didn’t venture far, and continued a quiet and solitary daily routine. As always, my heart was filled with gratitude for this amazing job that allows me to work safely from home. With a few months of 2021 under my belt, I began a huge job that I had been putting off for a long time. You may not have even noticed, but I changed email marketing platforms.

simple kitchen refresh with varied flowers in sink

Thanks to all of you and your loyalty, my email subscriber list was 30,000 readers strong. Moving everyone, along with all my forms, was perhaps one of the biggest challenges I have faced as a website owner. From start to finish, it took several weeks. Once everything was moved, and I had mastered the learning curve, I began to see the benefits of a more powerful platform. This was the first change in 2021, and it was definitely worth every minute!

graceful blooms on bleeding heart plants

Spring rolled around, and here in Ohio it was lovely. My bleeding hearts were beautiful, and I painted pots to match our front door. Spring turned into summer, and the calm cadence of long days and blue skies took over. 

It was during the hot days of July that our little dog, Kelly, became sick and passed away. This was a change so big that, for a while, I couldn’t see beyond my sadness. But fate sometimes leads us in unexpected directions that help us heal and move on.

miniature schnauzer kelly from on sutton place

The biggest change of all came next…and it was scary and exciting at the same time. It’s a long story that you can read about HERE, but in the span of two months, we bought a new-to-us house, sold our house on Sutton Place, and moved!

Gap Home items from Walmart

We moved into the Sugar Maple house in mid-November, and the process of adapting to a new home began. It’s been fun and challenging at the same time! Once we were a bit settled, I immediately plunged into preparing for Christmas. With that now behind us, it’s time to look forward to 2022.

As I’ve said in the past, I’m not one for making resolutions or setting goals when the new year rolls around. However, I believe that the beginning of each year presents a blank slate, and that we can point our lives in any direction…preferably one that will bring happiness and contentment. So that’s what I wish for all of us!

trestle table with christmas centerpiece

I have lots of plans for adding my own touch to our new home. The very first thing I need to do is hang some pictures on our walls! After that, I would love to add a wall treatment, maybe board and batten, in our entry. I need to organize the kitchen pantry closets, and rearrange the drawers so they are more efficient. I needed to live in the kitchen for a while before I knew exactly how I wanted it to function. I can’t wait to get outside and plant some perennials…and spruce up our tiny patio.

All in all, there is much to look forward to…including the addition of another miniature schnauzer puppy. We loved Kelly so much, and we now know that we can give all of that love to another dog without taking away from our love for her. I don’t know when it will happen, but you all will be the first to know!

In closing, I want to thank each one of you with my whole heart for following along with me, and supporting my blog. I know the ads can be annoying, so I thank you for your patience. You enthusiastically embraced our new series, Wednesday Weekly Wish List, and it is now my most popular day of the week. Lory, Yvonne, and I are so grateful. I plan to work very hard in 2022, and will continue to bring you easy-on-the-budget ideas and inspiration. 

Reader Favorites from 2021:

Now take a look at what my friends are sharing!


Designthusiasm | On Sutton Place | StoneGable


Shabbyfufu | Southern Hospitality

I hope each one of you
finds health and happiness
in the new year.
Until next time…

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  1. Ann…thank you for each and every one of your posts. I enjoy all of them.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful, healthy 2022 in your new home.

  2. Margaret Pacitti says:

    Hi Anne,
    Loyal follower!!! I loved home style Saturday’s and Wednesday lists. I know ur moving or have moved.
    But I no longer receive any of your emails. I have tried to sign up again at least one time. You are not in my spam file.
    Can you tell me how to get on your email list … or is that a thing of the past and I need to find you a new way?
    M Pacitti

  3. Thank you so much for all your work from the printables to the recipes. Once more, I used several ideas of yours this year in my Christmas decoration, here in Corsica, as well as I did before from France, New Caledonia or Djibouti.. Best wishes for the new year.

  4. Jeanie Nichols says:

    Blessings to you in 2022. I love reading your blog!

  5. What an amazing year you have to look forward to, and as always, thank you for each and every post you’ve shared with your loyal fans! Cheers to 2022 and the adventures that await all of us :D

  6. Ann, enjoyed your post! As a schnauzer mom as well as a dog foster & rescue, I am so delighted to hear you are getting another schnauzer soon They are a special breed that leaves footprints on your heart forever. It is what Kelly would want you to do. 😊
    Here’s to 2022!

  7. I’m so happy for you with the move to a newer home that seems so serendipitous. Wishing you a wonderful 2022 Ann!

  8. MARY-ANN (FROM CANADA!) says:

    Ann, I want to thank you for your faithfulness in bringing us such wonderful posts! You are truly an inspiration to us all. I am so happy that you and your hubby are enjoying your lovely new home. It will be fun to follow you while you add your personal touches to your beautiful home. Also, I was so happy to read that you are going to get another puppy just like Kelly! This little dog is going to bring you so much happiness!

    I pray that the new year will be a wonderful one for you and your hubby! God Bless you both and may He give you lots of happiness in your new home!

  9. A very happy New Year to you from me, in sunny South Africa ! I look forward to all your posts. 🌸🇿🇦

  10. Happy New Year to you! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us on your blog. I so enjoy each post!

  11. Michelle Rose says:

    5 stars
    So thankful for your blog. It brings me such joy. Thank you for sharing all of your life ups and downs, decorating tips and recipes. I’m so excited for you and your new home. May God bless you and your family in 2022. Thank you!

  12. It has been a trying year for you & so happy to hear that that
    you have been able to heal & move forward .
    I enjoy reading your blog & look forward to seeing how you turn your new house into a home.
    Wishing you a Healthy, Happy, New Year !
    God Speed !

  13. It has been an amazing year of change for you, hasn’t it? Hard to imagine to email move was this past year. So much has happened since! I’m so happy to see you settling into your beautiful new home and I can’t wait to see what all you do with it… :-). Wishing you only good things for 2022!

  14. 5 stars
    Hi Ann! I just wanted to tell u that I enjoyed reading about how God orchestrated & confirmed your quick move. Such a great story & a neat encouragement to your sad heart because of losing Kelly. We’ve been through that hard sadness three times with our Golden Retrievers. 😔 The Lord knew just the right timing & special new house…that u will quickly make into a home. Thx for sharing this fun story of God’s faithfulness with us. May He bless & keep u, & your family, in His provision of your new home! 🥰

  15. Excited to see and hear more about your new home in 2022!
    Happy and healthy 2022 to you and your family 💗

  16. Love reading your blog.I feel we are kindred spirits.I feel the same way about my home and decorating as you do.Wishing you all the best for the new year and can’t wait to see how your new home evolves into your own.

  17. Thank you Ann for the beautiful summary. May 2022 bring each of us joy and peace. You are an inspiration to me. I always enjoyed hearing about Kelly as that is my maiden name!☘️
    We had a beautiful grand puppy Frances who passed three years ago, I cried for a week! My daughter and son in law now have beautiful Lucy, she is two and brings us all so much joy. Frances and Lucy are/ were doxens.
    I enjoy your porch ideas.

  18. Ann,
    I love your style and am excited to watch as you add your special touches to your “new” home. I moved on December 4th and feel like you about adding the touches that make a house our own.
    Best to you in the New Year.
    Karen B.

  19. Sue Daugherty says:

    Have a happy new year. Your blog is my favorite. I am looking forward to seeing how you make your new house your own in the new year. You’re always inspirational. On a totally different note, as a dog mom, I am happy to hear you are healed enough to move on. My dog and I ran into a miniature black schnauzer puppy out walking on Christmas morning. I had never seen any other color besides the grey before this. She was adorable and looking quite festive in her red plaid collar. Such cute puppies.

  20. Happy New Year, and thank you for your conversation! We just finished a master bath, and now, all of a sudden, we are meeting with a great builder to convert a new barn into a lovely cottage for us on our son’s property! Who knew? Living our “best life” is the key. Onward.

  21. Ann,

    The best news for me out of today’s post was that you are getting a new schnauzer. As someone who has had four schnauzers in my life I absolutely get it. In my opinion that little dog will bring your heart more joy than the new house. I look forward to that day for you and know you will share with us the joys of having a new pup in your life.

  22. Hopkins Libby says:

    Dear Ann,
    With gratitude for your generosity and creativity, I wish you many blessings for 2022 and in the years to come. Congratulations on your professional success and your new home.

  23. Donna zoltanski says:

    Love your pleasant blog.

  24. Jan Brown says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Ann! I have enjoyed all your posts this year. I can relate moving to a new home this year. I never thought one year ago I would be sitting in our new/new build home! Thank you for all the design inspiration from your site. It has been so much fun decorating our new home. Have a wonderful 2022!!