Fall Prep, A Sparkling Drink, Cape Cod, + More

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Home Style Saturdays 306: 10 things to do now for fall, transitioning the patio to fall decor, a sparkling orange + thyme spritzer recipe, a coastal home tour on Cape Cod, and chocolate chip pecan pie.


The summer is literally flying by. As we wrap up July, I am already preparing for August. I’ll be buying sunflowers, enjoying my grandchildren, and then by the middle of the month, I’ll begin preparation for fall. Even though August signals the end of summer, there is much to look forward to. I would love for you to come along with me, and we’ll prepare for the next season together. OSP email subscribers will be the first to see everything, so if you aren’t on my list, click {HERE} to sign up. 

P.S. I’ll be sharing some of the budget-friendly new items I’m using in my fall decor this Wednesday for Weekly Wish List. Make sure to join us!

StoneGable | 10 Things To Do For Fall Now

front porch with layered doormat stonegable blog

Designthusiasm | Transitioning the Patio into Fall Decor


On Sutton Place | Sparkling Orange + Thyme Spritzer

orange thyme spritzer drink on sutton place

Shabbyfufu | A Stylish Coastal Home On Cape Cod

A-Stylish-Coastal-Home-On-Cape-Cod blue hydrangeas

Southern Hospitality | Easy Chocolate Chip Pie

piece of chocolate chip pecan pie on white plate southern hospitality

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  1. Ann,
    I’m ready for fall, it’s hot and humid here. Just a couple more months and we should be good. Thank you for the inspiration and ideas.
    Karen B.

  2. Janice A. says:

    I love the Homee Style Saturday Posts. So many fun ideas to use. Unfortunatly, we are still having hot summer days where I live, but I’m looking forward to fall.

  3. Another fabulous installment! Thanks for making my Saturday