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Today I’d like to welcome all the mothers and mothers-to-be out there and wish you, from the bottom of my heart, a happy Mother’s Day. I hope you are able to spend time with your families and make memories that will last a lifetime. I know that for some, this day brings sadness and pain. If that is the case, I hope you can somehow find a way to enjoy the day. For you I wish grace, the gift of acceptance, and peace.
I am actually sort of in between happy and sad right now. I am incredibly grateful for my husband and my kids. My son is married now and my daughter has a wonderful (and very handy) boyfriend. My family of four has become a family of six. I am blessed beyond measure and they all continue to enrich my life every day. On the flip side, as most of you know, my mom passed away a few months ago. I am now a different person and I’m in the process of figuring out who that person is.
My life seems to have been divided into two parts. Part One was when my mom was alive, and Part Two began on the day she died. Part Two of this story has sort of thrown me for a loop, but I’m slowing adjusting. Keeping busy and spending time with my dad has helped. I have you all to thank for keeping me busy. Your support of me and my blog continues to amaze me on a daily basis.
I am one of the lucky ones. I had a mom who was good and loving. She was my biggest fan and my best friend. I’m not saying she was perfect or that our relationship was perfect. We all know that’s just not real life…but I am who I am because of her. So, on this Mother’s Day, I choose to leave sadness behind and remember her with a light heart. I need to get on with Part Two of my life. I hope she’s looking down from above, and smiling.
Sprinkled throughout this post are recipes handed down to me from my mom. They are dependable, tried and true family favorites. When I close my eyes and think of my mom, I see her standing in the kitchen of my childhood home. She’s either at the sink…or at the stove. She clocked countless hours in that kitchen! She made everything from scratch, including the best egg noodles ever. Her recipes are easy to follow and most of them feed a crowd.
I hope you’ve been inspired to clock a few hours in the kitchen…or maybe hug your mom. Both will make you feel so much better! I’ll be back in a few days with some herb garden ideas because it’s getting really close to planting time. I, for one, am ready.
*Some links on this site go to shops or websites (like Amazon) where I am an affiliate, or to eBay where I also create content.
This was a lovely tribute to your mom. I lost my mom at 38. It was almost 10 years ago, but it is still hard. Grief is a journey that we all have to travel at some time, and all experience differently. The deeper the pain, the deeper the love was for that person. Take your time. The cloud will lift eventually. I so enjoy your blog. I hope you can continue. I look forward to seeing your yard and flowers this year!
I am sending you prayers and encouraging thoughts as you experience this tremendous loss of your Mom. I was OK for awhile after I lost my Mother which was many years ago. Then it hit me, as I stood in Publix grocery store as I walked by the Mother’s Day card aisle section, that I would no longer be able to send her a card. That is when I totally lost it and cried my heart out!! I had lost my brother just before my Mother so I felt a deep sense of abandonment with the loss of these two!
My faith kept me going as well as my super understanding husband and two daughters!
We are here for you my friend????
Been thinking of you and knowing how hard this Mother’s Day would be for you. Grateful that I still have my mother and we had a very enjoyable day yesterday. I cooked her pot roast which is her favorite but something she is no longer able to cook. I love how you’ve sprinkled your mom’s recipes into this post and hope you find solace and comfort whenever you prepare these dishes of hers.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your sweet mom. I lost my mom right before Christmas in 2013 and I too was thrown for a loop. I have, as you chosen to focus on the happy memories and not focus on the great loss of a kind and loving mom, at least most of the time. Thank you for sharing the recipes from your mom. My mom made an awesome chicken and dumplings that our family loved. One of her many southern hometown Georgia recipes. I look forward to your email.
I know what you mean Ann. My 93 year old Mother is in the process right now of her journey, and even though I knew the day would come , it’s a game changer. My dear sister also had a life altering event a few weeks ago when her oldest son passed away unexpectedly at 46 yrs. Needless to say her Mothers day was not the happiest this year. My heart goes out to everyone dealing with a tragic event in their life. I hope regardless everyone had a Happy Mothers day.
You are so right when you said that your world was divided into two parts. Part One and Part Two. My mother died when I was 9 years old and she was 27….Over the last 50 years that is how I still think. Part One is always , always in my mind. I still cry for her like I was at that age of 9 and I’m now 60. I will never get over her. Part two. I just think of how much I wished that she was here for all of those life events. Life is sometimes not fair. I have become a strong independent woman and you will be come a very good grandmother because of our MOMs
Bless you and thank you, more than you know.
Ther are really no words to ease your loss. All I can say is it will get better with time. My mom passed a few years ago and I miss her dearly, but I treasure all the wonderful memories. This morning I got up and put on one of her shirts that I saved. Later on my son and his family came over with a lovely hanging basket – the gift I always gave her on Mother’s Day. Hope next Mother’s Day will be better for you. Enjoy your time with your dad and when you’re together talk about the beautiful memories you two share of your mom. Take care.
My heart goes out to you on this first Mother’s day without your mom. I can only imagine the pain you feel. Every season of life brings trails and new experiences. May God be the great comforter in your daily walk at this time. God bless you and keep you. You bless me so much with your blog.
Dear Ann,
I hope you have had a blessed Mothers Day. I do understand the bitter-sweetness this day brings.
I wanted you to know how blessed I feel to have come across your blog. I treasure your recipes, decorating ideas, and reflections. I look forward to each and everyone.
I know the loss of a mother and that loss never goes away….you learn to live with the loss. Your Mom does live on in your blog. I feel like I know her from your shared memories and recipes, which are treasures. Thank you for sharing her as well as your passions.
As a side note, I am the proud owner of a limelight hydrangea, because of you. I have loved them from afar but because of you, I had the courage to attempt to grow one. I’ll keep you posted!
Again, thank you for your transparency.
May the God of all hope bless you with His comfort,
Thank you for this post today about your mom. My mom is still living but in a nursing home unaware of what’s going on. Mother’s Day is always hard. I hope you are blessed as much as your posts bless others.
Ann, God bless you today, on this first Mother’s Day without your mom. I’m sure she is smiling down on you. My mom is 86. I know when she passes from this earth, I too will be starting over…and it will be difficult. I pray for grace every day. Hope memories of your mom today bring you peace and joy.
Yes life goes on and we adjust, this was a lovely post thanks so much,i have lost both my parents and at times i have to be the head of the family no fun!!
Oh Ann…..what a lovely post! My mom just recently turned 95…she still can’t believe it! But, my childhood memories of my mom, are of her tending her gardens….both vegetable and flower. She took great pride in them. I know I learned a lot from her about gardening….at least I seem to have a green thumb. Happy Mother’s Day! ;)
Hi Ann,
I can relate in many ways. My Mom passed away 25 years ago, my mother-in-law in February of this year, and my father-in-law last March. Where I REALLY was called to think about who I am happened April 6th when my husband, whom I have known since age 14, had a major heart attack with damage to heart that can not be repaired. He is doing very well, right now, not feeling like his “old”self, but doing well enough. When the thought first occurred to me that he may no longer be in my life, I have truly never felt such loneliness. Life has a way of keeping us on our toes, doesn’t it?
All mothers try to do their best. Mine raised six girls, born in eight years. I was the oldest. She is still trying, bless her soul. Love to you this Mothers Day and to the other Mothers, it’s the hardest job on earth!!!
Happy Mother’s Day Ann! ..This day for me growing up was a Day i dreaded ,my mother passed away when i was 7 …..then as years passed and I became a mom it was a day of “Bittersweet” memories and still is …you will never get over the loss you just learn to deal w/ it differently as time passes….
Happy Mother’s Day to you. The old Chinese proverb about the best you can do for your children is to
“Give them roots, and wings” is so true. It sounds like your Mother did both of those things for you.
So did mine. Pass it along to your family and that honors her every day.
What is bhome and how do I join it? I thoroughly enjoy your emails and look forward to each and everyone. Happy Mother’s Day and thanks for sharing your motherly wisdom.
They say to take the pain out of death you would have to take the love out of life. No wonder death is do hard because we have loved so much. There is comfort in knowing the love that so profound. May you enjoy this Mother’s Day knowing of the deep love you and your mother had or I should say still have❤️
When I clicked on to your post today the first thing I thought of was your mom and her recent passing. My mom has been gone now 9 years and I remember that first Mother’s Day like yesterday. I needed to remind myself that it is a “Hallmark” holiday and that I loved her as you did your mom every single day and we are both so blessed to have so many wonderful memories.
My oldest is getting married in five weeks and that will no doubt be one of the most difficult days of my life as she will not be there. She adored him as much as he adored her. His Bride’s bouquet will be surrounded just above her hands with beautiful charms of pictures of their grandparents not with us that day. It will be a lovely tribute.
Who knows maybe our moms are chatting today. Great women have a way of finding each other … just like I found you.
Hope you have a wonderful day. I know your mom is there with you in spirit.
Happy Mother’s Day Ann! A thoughtful and loving tribute to your mom. I picture my mom sewing on her sewing machine on the kitchen table, along with baking bread and coffee cake when I was young. I felt very loved in the kitchen.
Good old pot roast!
KKathleen in Az
When I saw your name in my inbox this morning, my immediate response was that we are both having our first mother’s day without our mothers. I love that you thought to share some of her recipes today. It inspired me to cook one of my mother’s favorites. I think I’ll add your lemonade icebox cake for dessert. Know that I ache with you, Ann. We are blessed to have great memories of our mothers.
Beautiful musings! Thanks for posting this today. A fellow mom.
The 6th anniversary of my mother’s passing is coming up in a couple of weeks. It does get easier as the time passes but the longing for and missing of her never go away completely. This year of firsts will be difficult for you but cherish your memories and hug your children. Thank you for all of your ideas. Because of you, I have two little limelights growing in my back yard!
Your post was the first thing that I read this morning, and it brought tears to my eyes. Mother’s Day is always a very melancholy day for me, as I see it will be for you this year. I lost my Mom 10 years ago, and not a day goes by that she is not with me. She is the first one I think of when I wake, and the last one when I go to sleep. Some days are easier than others. My part two has definitely been difficult for me, some days better than others. But it is those very happy heartfelt memories, and sometimes very funny ones that get me through. And yes the circle of life goes on, and as much as you want your parents here to share the new memories, sometimes that is not possible. I now have two very special angels above watching over us now. Happy Mother’s Day to you Ann, your Mom is with you.
Good Morning Ann!
I love good old fashioned tried and true recipes, they are like a dependable old friend. I think I will try the pasta salad sometime this week. Have a wonderful Mothers Day and thak you for all your ideas and inspirations!
Ann, my Mother’s Day too is bittersweet as my dear Mother passed several years ago. On that day my life changed forever. My focus then was to be with my Dad, do whatever I could for him and spend time getting to know him even better. Sadly, he too passed a few years later joining my Mom in heaven. With both my parents no longer here, I felt like an orphan, very lost and alone. Thank goodness for my husband who has been my rock since we met. He helps me to move forward, The world is a much different place with my parents gone. Holidays are not easy but you do get thru. Believing my parents are together and knowing they would not want me crying over them all the time gives me strength to move forward and live a life, hopefully, they would be proud of. On Mother’s Day I do something my Mom and I enjoyed together, like gardening. I cook a dish she would have enjoyed, buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers in her honor and write a message on a balloon before releasing it and watching it rise to her in heaven. It’s very cathartic. On Father’s Day I do the same for my Dad. May anyone who has lost their beloved mother find peace, strength and acceptance. Happy Mother’s Day to my dear Mom. I hope you know how much you are loved, missed and respected.
So true Ann! I lost my mother 5 years ago and my “part two” is four little granddaughters :)…I’ve read your blog from the beginning and you’ve encouraged me in many ways! Happy Mothers Day to you, my friend.
Thank You
Ann, I thought about you this am, knowing that today might be bittersweet because of your mom. Loved your post and am most excited about the floral alphabet. I bought the other one and have used it twice but it is hard to use. I had to have my daughter help me. So will purchase yours when ready. I love the printables and change mine frequently. The recipes sound delicious and will give them a try.
Thank you for this lovely, heartfelt post… and Happy Mother’s Day, Ann. I appreciate and enjoy your blog so very, very much!
Happy Mother’s Day, Ann:)
Hi Ann,
Grief has no time table. It will sneak up on you at good times and bad. Losing a mom is one of the hardest parts of life. She’s the first one you want to share life’s joys with (weddings,grand babies). All the life events you will experience in the future will bring thoughts of “this is what my mom may have felt”. The circle of motherhood continues and we hope we make our mothers proud. Know she is still around you, in the flowers, butterflies, the home cooked meals. Take care of yourself ,be patient and understanding of your loss. Happy Mothers Day.
Thank you, Ann, for sharing your mom’s love with your readers in form of her wonderful recipes!! I hope it makes your heart happy to know that so many of your readers will bless their families by adding many of these wonderful recipes to their family’s dinner table. Enjoy your time with your family of 6!! That’s such a blessing!
I’m so sorry that you’ve lost your mom. I’m sure time will heal but it’s still a tough road ahead with each passing holiday and memory.
Thank you for sharing. And Happy Morher’s Day!
Dearest Ann,
As the days and years pass your pain will morph into fond memories. My own mother passed some 35 years ago and there isn’t a day that I don’ think of her, sometimes happy thoughts and sometimes nostalgic. My 3 children never met their Nana and to me that is the most tragic part of my story. As you do, I carry on knowing that somewhere she is looking down on me and my family with a smile on her lovely face.
I wish the same for you.
To all of us whose Mom’s have passed, I am reminded that Life is Eternal, Infinite, and Immortal. Abundant Blessings to Mom’s everywhere with Love. Jan
Happy Mothers Day Ann! Thank you for your post today…as always, you continue to share and inspire. I will include a prayer today for the memory of you mother. Blessings!
You are an incredible woman. Thank you for displaying all your compassion and love for your mother. It will make us all love our moms a little bit more. Have a glorious day! May God be with you always.
Happy Mothers Day Ann! I can’t imagine how you are feeling today, but I know that you will enjoy your family on this special day. Other than losing a child, which I have done, losing my mom is my greatest fear. Like you, I too am very close to my mom. Neither of us are perfect, but she is the strongest woman I know and I am who I am by her example. HUGS to you today!
????????????Happy Mothers Day ????????????To you Sweetheart I am thinking the same as you today ???? I think that your Mom and mine are smiling on us today ????Much Love and God Bless Regina from Cape Cod Massachusetts xox ????
Dear Ann
I am sorry to hear that your Mom just passed.
Stay strong. It gets softer but the sadness never goes away. My Mom has been gone for 12 years now and it still hurts.
I miss her so much. Remember her today but still enjoy your family, too.
Hello! I am writing as my e-mail address has changed to: Please update as I don’t want to miss a posting! Thank you.
Happy Mother’s Day to you also Ane. Your mom is in your heart as mine is in mine. God Bless you.
Thank you, Ann ………. I like your blog, it is so inspirational … I wish you a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY and may you continue to have healing each day to losing your Mother in death and may sharing your MEMORIES and TALENTS bring healing in the process. …………….. “God Bless”!
Happy Mother’s Day Ann. I almost feel like we are sister’s. The way we all share things.
Praying God will continue to be with you in your grief. He is always there as we ho thru our chapters of life.
Sandi Weiler
Happy Mother’s Day to you! I’m sure your Mom IS looking down and smiling and wanting you to move forward with Part 2 of your life! That’s what all of us Moms do, right? She will continue to be your biggest cheerleader. God bless.