Wednesday Weekly Wish List #164

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Your weekly dose of new ideas, helpful hints, favorite items, and tidbits of wisdomfrom a trio of lifestyle bloggers who love to share! 

Wednesday weekly wish list

pitcher of flowers


Welcome to the Wish List!

fall vignette with vase of flowers, urn pumpkin designthusiasm www

Lory | Designthusiasm

1. FEATURED POSTS: Wondering what’s new for fall this year? Even if you’re not quite ready to indulge in pumpkins, you’ll want to see these Top Fall Decor Trends, as well as these Affordable Fall Decor Ideas. And if you’re ready for a gentle fall transition without using leaves and gourds, check out this fresh take on a cozy bedroom using color and texture.

2. AMAZON PICKS: here are this week’s favorites from Amazon. And be sure to visit the FALL DECOR SHOP.

3. THIS WEEK ON THE BLOG I shared this guide to Affordable French Style Writing Desks, the low-down on Adding a Faux Wood Tile Floor in the New Kitchen, and 7 Ways to Introduce Early Fall to Your Table.




7. WHAT I’M READING: I’m a huge fan of historical fiction, and one of my favorite recent reads, Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline is a parallel story of two women whose lives interconnect, one a young Irish immigrant in the early 1900’s and the other a present day story. I loved this book!

8. FASHION PICKS: What’s new in denim? Wide legs are still going strong. The new barrel leg has a fresh look. Dark washes are everywhere.

9. WHAT’S INSPIRING ME AROUND THE WEB: Love this home’s perfect mix of modern and traditional. The most elegant barn I’ve ever seen is also the home of Ashton and Mila. It’s quite fabulous! Sometimes a simple, warm and delightful home has its own form of magnificence.

10. UP NEXT: Fall decor ideas for the kitchen…

add touches of fall to your kitchen with festive flowers in the sink

Ann | On Sutton Place

1.) This fall, more than any other that has come before, I feel the need for simplicity. I want to welcome fall into our home, but in a calm and subtle way. I don’t want to rush the season, and I don’t want to take away from what’s left of the summer. But planning is always a good thing, so let’s get started!

2.) If you wish it was easier to shop on Amazon, with items neatly categorized, I’m here to help. Take a look at my brand new Autumn Market. I’ve chosen 6 basic fall categories, and then selected things I know you will love!

3.) FAVORITE QUOTE: “The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.” ~Thomas Moore


5.) Discover this east coast barn makeover, and also how this homeowner used the square foot gardening method in her potager garden, and then see how this 500-square-foot cottage packs in charm with warm colors, plants, and a stunning fireplace.


7.) Make a pumpkin spice smoothie: in a blender combine 3/4 cup milk, 5.3 oz. container of pumpkin spice yogurt, 1 tablespoon maple syrup, and a cup of ice. Any brand of yogurt will work. Siggi’s and Chobani are very good. Enjoy! (Found on

8.) What’s for dinner this week? If you’re like me, you probably don’t know! Here are some easy ideas…first, this chicken salad sandwich is filling + fresh, this pork tenderloin for two is quick + tasty, and this skillet zucchini lasagna is the perfect way to use some of that fresh zucchini!

9.) WISHING FOR INSPIRATION? Take a tour of this new Tennessee home that is filled with old southern charm, if you feel like dreaming a bit, take a look at this lovely lakeside home, and I could stay forever in this tiny guest house.

10.) We’re in what are sometimes called the “dog days of summer.” I’m tired of watering, and the hot temps seem hotter. But…the days are getting shorter, and every so often, I feel a breeze that says fall is coming. It’s not here yet, but it’s around the corner, and I’m ready. Have a lovely week!

dried hydrangeas on cutting board with scissors stonegable www

Yvonne | StoneGable

1. FRESH FALL IDEAS: Fall is coming—I can almost feel it in the air! These fall posts will help you get ready!

2.  AMAZON FINDS: See all my favorite new picks.

3. FALL INSPIRATION: Don’t miss our free 36-page Fall Inspiration Idea Book—your guide to simple, cozy fall decorating!


5. BEAUTIFUL HOMES AND MORE: Tour three beautiful homes in Michigan, offering so many takeaway design ideas. Make sure to check out these five cozy homes with ideas to use this fall.

6. NEW RECIPE ON THE BLOG: Fresh Corn Salad With Apple Cider Vinaigrette is delicious and so easy to make. It’s field-to-table summer flavor!

7. FUN AND INTERESTING FACTS: What is the full moon called in August? What direction do all mature sunflowers face?

8. WHAT TO WEAR: Classic Comfortable Clothing

9. CHICKEN TORTILLA DUMP DINNER: Preheat the oven to 375° and spray a 13-inch casserole dish with cooking spray. In a large bowl, add 2- 10oz cans of diced tomatoes with chiles, 1 cup chicken stock, 1 TBS chili powder, 1 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp salt, 15.5 oz black beans rinsed and drained, 10 oz bag of frozen corn, 5 cups shredded chicken (one small rotisserie chicken), 12 small corn tortillas cut into quarters, 1 cup of cheddar cheese. Combine and dump into the casserole dish. Cover with foil and bake for 25-30 minutes. Raise the oven temperature to 400°, remove the foil from the casserole, and sprinkle 1 cup of cheddar cheese over it. Bake for another 10 minutes. Spoon out to serve. Top with sour cream, diced red onions, and parsley or cilantro.

10. MORE FALL INSPIRATION: These fall images from Victoria Magazine are so beautifully inspiring! And see Cottage Journal’s fall ideas that honor the rules of gathering.

ANSWER TO #7: August’s full moon on August 19th is special this year. It’s called a blue moon not because it is the second full moon in this month but because it is the third of four full moons in the summer season, which is very unusual. It is also known as the Sturgeon moon and is the first supermoon of the year, which means it appears bigger and brighter than normal full moons. Young sunflowers follow the sun, and when they are mature, all sunflowers face east. Now you know!


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fall bouquet element

The AUTUMN Market

A collection of wonderful
fall decor items,
curated especially for you.

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One Comment

  1. Michele Busboom says:

    This blog was particularly helpful and informative for me…and the COLORS! The plethora of berries, flowers, and leaves were practically edible! Also, thank you so much for sharing recipes that I can make tonight. Warm end-of-summer feels, Michele