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I’m Ann Drake, the creator of On Sutton Place. I want to welcome you to my life! Here you will find uncomplicated recipes, understated ways to refresh your home, and unlimited seasonal inspiration that won’t break the bank. I’m a Midwest girl from Ohio, and a wife, a mom of two, a grandmother of three, a daughter, and a friend.

My husband and I have two grown children who are, without a doubt, my greatest accomplishments. I was a stay-at-home mom until my youngest entered the 3rd grade. At that time, I was blessed to be hired as a secretary at their Catholic elementary school, and remained there for 17 years.

My blog has been my full-time job since the summer of 2013. Writing this blog, sharing my life, and becoming friends with all of you has truly been life-changing.

There have been many challenges, but they never outweighed the joy this blog has brought to my life. I’m so grateful for the joy, and the friendships I’ve made.

A Little Bit About Me

I’d rather be

in the garden

favorite pastime

watching tv

biggest blessing

my family

Favorite movie

Sense + sensibility

biggest goal

simple living

favorite book

Coming home


In the fall of 2021, we made the life-changing decision to sell our house on Sutton Place, and move to a smaller home. It all happened quickly, but from the very beginning, I knew it was the right thing to do.

I had built my blog around this home, and we were leaving it. I worried about how to continue, and how OSP readers would react. In the end, there was absolutely nothing to worry about. You all surrounded me with support and encouragement, and this blog didn’t miss a beat!

Here on the blog, along with the Sutton Place house, I now feature the Sugar Maple House. When we moved, I felt I needed a way to distinguish between the two houses…so since our new street is Sugar Maple Court, it made sense to name the house after the street.

ann drake with millie the schnauzer from on sutton place

Meet Millie

Like many of you, animals hold a special place in my heart…especially little miniature schnauzers. Our first dog, Kelly, was featured here on the blog many times. When Kelly passed away, we waited several months, and then welcomed a little puppy named Millie into our lives. She quickly stole our hearts, and we love that she’s feisty and funny. She joined our family at a time when we sorely needed some laughter in our home!

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Some of my favorite Projects


You can find absolutely everything on my homepage. The menu bar at the top reflects the categories, with links to more specific posts throughout the page. I literally have a charcuterie board of content, so I promise there is something for everyone.


I’ve been there. I know how you feel. I can help.

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The osp market

Featuring items I own
and love, along with
top-rated products that
will help you decorate
your home with style!


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