floral element reduced


It’s a state of mind.

It’s about loving your home, and following your heart. It’s about keeping things simple, embracing new experiences, and not being afraid to make a change. It’s about being true to your own personal style, and transforming your house into a home.

Most of all, it’s about living simply.

What Will You Find Here?

Uncomplicated recipes, understated ways to refresh your home, and unlimited seasonal inspiration that won’t break the bank. If you are searching for simplicity, and for ways to make your life easier, you are in the right place.

What Is Simple Living?

  • embracing a slower, simplified lifestyle, with less to do.
  • finding joy in the ordinary, everyday occurrences.
  • avoiding complicated or toxic relationships.
  • preserving your energy for activities that make you happy.
  • clearing the clutter so there is less to maintain.
  • accepting life as it is, with grace and gratitude.

Let’s talk about that last point mentioned above. Acceptance is freedom. When you make up your mind to find happiness within the life you have, and let go of the “wanting,” your world will change for the better. I’m not saying we can’t have goals or aspirations, but they need to be attainable. And likewise, if you choose not to aspire to a life other than what you have, that’s OK too. The bottom line is that everything is OK, as long as it makes you content.

Misconceptions About Simple Living

  • It’s not homesteading or living off the land. You don’t have to grow your own food!
  • Simple living is not spending less money, it’s spending money intentionally to make a better and easier life.
  • It is not minimalist living. You don’t need to give up your creature comforts.

I’ve been writing this website since 2011. In the beginning, On Sutton Place was about me. I needed something extra in my life, and as a result, this website was born. Later, and I’m not sure when, the purpose of On Sutton Place shifted from something that was about me…to something that was about you.

ann milie the mini schnauzer (1)

meet ann

I hope to inspire you to make your home a place you love…a place that you are proud of, and a place that reflects your family. A place that brings you peace, and a place that makes you happy.

When you visit, I want you to feel like you’ve stopped by to visit a friend. I want you to be comfortable, and leave with a smile on your face. There’s no pressure, and there’s no judgement.

Everything you will find on this website is written with simplicity and ease in mind. In 2021, my family made the life-changing decision to sell our family home, and downsize to something smaller. I had been yearning for a simpler life, and even though it was scary, it’s been the best decision we’ve ever made. So you see…I do practice what I preach!

If this is your first time visiting, I would like to personally invite you to join the OSP Community by subscribing to receive my updates by email. You will also receive new blog posts and special offers before anyone else. To learn more and to sign up, just fill out the form at the end of the post.

wood pitcher with blue flowers element

Best of simple living

summer flowers in large vintage blue ball jar

Downsizing + Moving

This 6-part series chronicles our journey from the moment we first considered moving out of our family home, until the process was completely over. Through it all, there were many emotions. I’m sharing everything I learned along the way, what I did right, and what I did wrong!

liberty blue pitcher with white flowers tips for a simpler life

How To Navigate On Sutton Place

You can find absolutely everything on my homepage. The menu bar at the top reflects the categories, with links to more specific posts throughout the page. I literally have a charcuterie board of content, so I promise there is something for everyone.

“Sometimes the Fates decree we should start our lives afresh. We must forgive where we condemned, and seek to mend the things we shattered. Nothing may ever be perfect again, but there is always beauty somewhere. Hold it close, breathe it in, in case it cannot stay.

The heart will always find its place. Some call it home. Some call it friendship. If we’re lucky, we can call it love. And love is a process of life-long learning. A lesson in where we belong, and what defines us. An education in things we can never measure, a page forever fresh, and waiting to be turned.”

Call The Midwife
Season 12, Episode 6

Making the choice to lead a simpler life isn’t an overnight thing. Take it slowly, think about it, and when you’re ready, you will know. I’m here to help, to provide ideas and inspiration, and most of all, to offer support.

sun loving annuals in faux galvanized planter


I’ve been there.
I know how you feel.
I can help.

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  1. Happy to join again.Im a work in progress but your ideas hopefully will help guide me in the right direction.

  2. I just found your post and I love everything you stand for here . Beautifully done . Thank you for inspiring me to pair down , lighten up and discover new things .

  3. I love the comments on this post! It is so me!! Six years ago, my husband and I (retired) sold our house of 38 years and moved to a 2 bedroom apt. We gave up stuff-lots of stuff- for a simpler, quieter, and very satisfying life style. So many people are afraid to get rid of stuff, but, in reality, it is so freeing—living as though you really believe that God will provide!!

  4. Thank you so much for the great decorating ideas, recipes, printables and just everything you share. I look forward to getting on your site to see what you have to share with us. I appreciate you so much.

  5. Love reading your website!

  6. I’ve subscribed to your blog for several years, and I love everything about it! Your yearly calender is so helpful and so pretty too, and the monthly screensavers are an added bonus. Thank you for all you do to bring beauty into my life. And…I love the quote from Call the Midwife, one of my favorite series.

    1. Ann Drake says:

      Hi Jody…thank you so much for the lovely comment. I appreciate it more than you can know!

  7. I always enjoy your great ideas for a simpler life. Thank you for all your work to make the days better!

  8. A simpler life sounds so good to me. Unfortunately everything seems to be happening for us now at the same time. Between my little 16 year old dog passing and my 14 year old dog going down a little more daily and my 95 year old mother-in-law getting a little more confused and we wanting to downsize so badly and in our area nothing is available. But I love reading your blog because it is so refreshing and calming.

  9. Hi Ann! This is the 3rd or 4th time I’ve read your manifesto on simple living and I just nod my head in agreement each and every time! I’m about to turn 64 yrs old in Oct. and am a Midwest gal like yourself!
    We are “ no muss, no fuss” kind of people! I especially love how you say that we don’t have to homestead or grow our own food to live a simpler life! A sigh of relief always comes after reading that line! You are a great inspiration Ann and I always look forward to your posts. Blessings to you and your family!

  10. “ACCEPTNG LFE AS IT IS WITH GRACE AND GRATITUE” really spoke to my heart Ann. I love your blog!

  11. Matthews Cindy says:

    I’m so excited to join you. Sounds delightful!

  12. Sharon Ganne says:

    Dear Ann:
    Each time I visit On Sutton Place I really do feel like I’ve stopped by to visit a wonderful friend – YOU. I’ve learned so many valuable things from you. You inspire me and make me feel so comfortable. I always leave with a smile on my face. I wish we were neighbors — you are my kind of person. Here’s to you and to a simpler life.
    Sharon <3

  13. I always look forward to your website. Reading it makes me feel like I’m listening to a close friend. I love that you downsized and was able to let go of things. We are very ready to do the same thing. It’s letting go of things that’s hard because we don’t have much family to give it to.

  14. I love the lamp on your entry hall chest. Would you mind telling me where you bought it? By the way Ann, how is your father doing? I know you have mentioned him in the past and how he enjoys certain foods you prepare. I certainly hope he is doing well.

    1. Ann Drake says:

      Hi Marti…here is the link to the lamps. https://amzn.to/43rMHNb My dad is hanging in there. He still lives on his own, and even though he has slowed down, he’s happy he can be independent. Thank you so much for asking!

  15. Love this! So well said.

    1. Good Morning Ann
      I have been enjoying your post a while now and you have help thou retirement and loving a very low key with hubby and I simple living is a great way to go doing less and clear the things not needed to change the color of my interior of my home… Thank You

  16. Mary Nell says:

    Excellent post. And, it’s describes my personal direction and thoughts. Love your blog.

  17. I have enjoyed your blog since before you moved from Sutton Place. I love that each post feels “comfortable” to me. I enjoy your decorating ideas, your recipes and many of your “wish list” items. I’m sure that everyone who enters your home feels welcomed and unafraid to sit on the furniture! I hope my home feels the same way. Thanks for your refreshingly positive outlook on living in this phase of life with kids grown and grandkids coming to visit now and then.

  18. Stephanie says:

    P.S. I have made a number of your recipes 😊

  19. Stephanie says:

    I have enjoyed your blog for several years now. And, I also enjoy your ideas for our home. Thank you and many blessings.

  20. This is wonderful…we definitely are enjoying a simpler life and making more time than ever for family and friends. I have enjoyed your blog for quite a while and get so much from it….so thank you 💜
    That picture of you and Millie is so sweet!!!

  21. Love your new updated site and tidbits about you, your pup, your goals for your readers. I’ve followed your blog for almost 10 years now and you have helped me learn it’s a great thing to live simply, although I admit it was gradual, but what a blessing. I’ve had fun following your simple instructions on creating wreaths, table runners, sugar scrubs, container gardening, many things ~ Thank you for bringing joy to my inbox!

    1. Ann Drake says:

      This is a truly lovely comment…thank you so much!

  22. I love it and I don’t miss it! Thank you

  23. Ann, you’re the best! Your blog is so “down to earth”, affordable and doable. It’s like having a good friend next door and I look forward to each and every one. And love that little Millie❤️

  24. Karla A Bannerman says:

    I love to read your posts, they give me inspiration and so many ideas on decorating both inside and outside.
    Am looking forward to seeing your new site and ideas.

  25. Agreed ! I think we are from the same mold. The older I get, the simpler I want my life to be.

  26. CarolBinTX says:

    I’ve been transitioning to retired life for the last five years. First working part time contracting, then full retirement this last year. After having worked all but 2 of the last 50 years, this was a HUGE culture shock. I’ve been slowly simplifying by decluttering, resisting the urge to buy every little thing, cooking and baking more and culling through my work wardrobe! I love having time to explore, going to the grocery store during less busy hours. I couldn’t agree more with embracing a simpler life, wish I’d done it sooner!

  27. Thank You
    It is time for a simpler life

  28. Hi Ann,
    Thank you so much for your blog. I have been following it for many years now and I think you are very successful at achieving the goals you have set for the blog. I love your simple recipes, your simple and beautiful decor and the clear and practical way you communicate information. I always feel a sense of peace when reading your blog and I have learned many things from you. I appreciate all the hard work you put into giving me and all of us a peaceful oasis on the internet. Blessings on you and your family.

  29. Mary Guerrero says:

    Good morning, Ann,
    I love your idea of “simplicity” on a blog, even your menu idea is great. When I open a blog and much, if not all, is staring me in the face, so much to pick from to look at, so many different categories, I close the blog. I need uncluttered choices to see; life is so full of so many different things going on, seemingly all at once, that I choose not to “partake” of that particular blog.
    Thank you for your “easy to see, open & read” blog!

  30. Carole Little says:

    I have always enjoyed and looked forward to your emails.I love your recipes, tips and honesty.In a crazy world your blog is a safe retreat.
    At my age ,health issues are many .When I feel overwhelmed , it is refreshing to see ideas to make things simpler.❤️

  31. Marjory Woodburn says:

    I was so happy to see this edition! I have felt that you might be considering retiring from your blog! I can understand, but must admit that yours is one of the few that I can totally identify with as I too am a wife, mother, grandmother, great aunt, sister and friend. I live in the midst of AMISH country and have down sized (several times). I love simplicity, I love my dog, I am at peace when emerged in my art and I love your blog!

  32. I love your refreshed site – very nice. After being an “A” type personality for over 35 years I was able to retire at 57. I am now in my early 70’s and my husband is 5 years older. I retired early because for the prior 5 years we took care of my parents, and after losing my Dad I knew my Mom didn’t have too much longer and I wanted to show her a wonderful life for whatever time she had left. I was able to retire because we had planned for many years. I now maintain a busy lifestyle that revolves around our family, including grandchildren, maintaining our home, and cooking. I think being active is the key to maintaining our physical and mental health. Even though we are so busy I think we really enjoy the simple life. We know what’s important and don’t let age dictate how we feel about ourselves.

    1. I always look forward to visiting your website. Reading it feels like chatting with a close friend. I admire how you managed to downsize and let go of things. We’re ready to do the same, but it’s tough to part with our belongings since we don’t have much family to pass them on to.

  33. Hi Ann yes I am finding a more simple life is best I am 62 and loving having time to do the things i like to do but it a simpler mode…..lower key it what a say…..lol

  34. Hi Ann – I agree with every one of your points in this post. I think it could be our age – 64 for me in a few weeks. I have found over the last year or so that I am so much happier with a more simple and slowed down life – not quite retirement, but everything you mentioned is spot on. Living with more intention is the best way to describe it to live a happy life. XO :-)