My Mom

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This is perhaps the hardest post I’ve ever written…but I want to tell you all what’s happened. My mom peacefully passed away on Saturday morning. My dad and I had been taking care of her and the last few days of her life were quiet and pain free. She couldn’t talk to us but we talked to her. I am telling myself that she heard us, even though I really can’t be sure. 

Marilyn Boney550

Marilyn Boney
1933 – 2016

My emotions are up and down. I have moments of happiness when I remember something good, and moments of intense sadness when I think of my life without her. I will be OK though…I know that. I’m not so sure about my dad but I am thinking positive. My prayer is that he will be able to find a way to live the rest of his life not in sadness, but in thankfulness for all he had with my mom. 

Her funeral is in two days, on Thursday. I will be gone for a while but I will be back. I want to make a fresh start and come up with new ideas. It’s been a struggle to get my creative juices flowing but I hope that changes. Again, I am thinking positive. I will need to figure out a new normal and you all will be a big part of that. 

Valentine's Heart Free Printables | DIY Wall Art, Cards, Crafts and more! | from

With a grateful heart, I thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. 

Wishing you all peace and grace,

ann signature with bird

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  1. I just discovered your wonderful blog this week, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Wishing you and your family peace and comfort during this difficult time.

  2. Ann, I’m just seeing this post and I just wanted to stop by and say how very sorry I am.


  3. Terri Gabriel says:

    I am so sorry for yours and your families loss. I pray that time will make the heartache less.

  4. Anita from Cedar Hill Farmhouse says:

    Ann, I am so sad to read this news. I pray for your family as they mourn the loss of your precious mother.

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss, Ann. Keeping you and your family in my prayers through this difficult time.

  6. So sorry to hear of your loss. My mom passed 4 1/2 years ago and I have not recovered. I doubt I ever will. That’s not to say that I live in constant sadness and grief – I don’t. I find constant joy in my family – especially my grandkids. It really does put things in perspective. What memories am I leaving my children and grandchildren? How will my friends and family think of me when I am gone?

    My brothers and I have been ensuring our dad has at least a bit of a social life every day. Isolation is the worst. The “firsts” are especially difficult too (Mother’s Day, her birthday, your birthday, etc.). I’m glad your father has you to rely on. What a blessing that you three were together when your mom passed.

    Keeping you in thought and prayer for the days ahead.

  7. I was with my grandson and away from my computer for a couple days. I’m just seeing your post now and want to tell you how sorry I am. I know the feeling all too well as I lost my Mom just after i turned 18. She taught me so much in those few years, but not nearly enough as I’ve found out even 40 years later. Your Mom was beautiful and I’m sure she had the same beauty inside. It is so hard to remember the good memories sometimes, when your sadness is so fresh. Each special day and each new holiday can be hard, but over time and little by little, life will become more normal. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

  8. So very sorry to hear about your Mother. I know it was a comfort that you were able to care for her & to be there with her. You only have one Mom & it’s so hard know you won’t have more time with her here. But the time will come when you have forever to be together. God Bless, Carolyn M.

  9. Bettye Greenwood says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. No one can ever replace a mom. However, most of us will experience such a loss and go on. Take care of yourself.

  10. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 4 years ago, but in reality we lost her 3 years before that to dementia. It is a cruel disease. Our only comfort was, she wasn’t in pain, she was in her own little world. The hardest part was when she no longer recognized us. She was a kind, gentle soul. My heart goes out to you as you grieve. Remember to be kind to yourself.

  11. Wishing you Peace and Strength as you remember, celebrate and grieve your Mother. Each of us is stronger than we know.

  12. Beth Brown says:

    She was absolutely beautiful and I can see that you look like her. I lost my mother 9 years ago and some days it still is so tender and raw. But I know that she would tell me to carry on. To live and to love and to share God’s love with everyone I meet. Prayers to you and your family!

  13. Dear Ann, so sorry for your loss ,may God comfort your Dad, you and your family
    I just refound your blog and am writing down your recipes, Thank you ,when I make her recipes I will look up and thank her ,God be with you and fill you with gratitude and comfort Peggy

  14. Karen Brown says:

    Dear Ann, I don’t know you personally but have enjoyed your blog for sometime now and feel like I know you somewhat through your writing. I’m so very sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. I’m thankful that it sounds like she had a good long life but that doesn’t seem to help the massive hole she’s left behind. My heartfelt condolences to you and your dad as you work together to get through this. May each day bring a little more sunshine to you both!

  15. Donna Morris says:

    Dear Ann
    I don’t know you personally but enjoy your blog and try to read it when I can. Please accept my condolences as you grieve the loss of your mother. Other posts have said the same thing, “it doesn’t matter what age we are, it hurts so bad to lose a parent”. As I read your blog post just now I glanced over at your framed printable I keep on my desk, “Trust the Journey” (with the bird on the bike.) That’s all we can do, Trust the Journey, and know we are…. where we are meant to be. Your Mom will live on in many little ways through you.

  16. Lisa Johnson says:

    So sorry for your loss. It doesn’t matter what age we are, it’s difficult to lose a parent. Love be with you.

  17. E. Lorraine Thomas says:

    My deepest, hearfelt condolences to you & your family at this most difficult time. You & your family will continue to be in my prayers.

  18. Candy Richardson says:

    Prayers are with you and your family. I know how hard it is.

  19. linda(burlap+blue) says:

    Ann, I am so so sorry for your loss. Prayers with you during this difficult time.

  20. I am so sorry about you losing your Mom. I know how heartbreaking that is, as mine passed away a couple of years ago. Your Mom was very pretty! Her personality shines through that photo.

    I find it helpful to remember that my Mom lived a long life, and look back at our times together and remember all the things she enjoyed. Through her influence I enjoy decorating, crafts, sewing, and making a home feel like ‘home’. She always wanted to cut flowers from the yard and display them in the house, and absolutely loved to rearrange the furniture..never knew when I got off the school bus where the furniture would be! We joke about it still in our family, lol. Mind, don’t stub your toe on something that wasn’t there this morning! Well, I have run off at the mouth, so to speak, but wanted to let you know that I sympathize..and send my regards.

  21. So very sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in happy memories.

  22. I have just lost my mum, Betty, too. Every day I think of her and can’t believe I am not going to see her again. I remember her favorite quotes” this too will pass, “just hang on, it will get better,” “grief takes as long as ……..”. May you and your dad find peace and rest. Janine???? xx oo

  23. I just had a chance to read this. I my deepest condolences to you and your family and Dad. Just know she did hear you when you would talk to her. I will be keeping you in my prayers and I pray that the Lord give you peace and comfort souring this time. Only time and the Lord will heal your heart.
    Loving thoughts and prayers

  24. Dear Ann

    So sorry for your loss.
    Take all the time you need in the Healing process, We will all be here for you!
    God Bless

  25. Jo Marie Gray says:


    So sorry to be just reading this this morning, but wanted to echo what so many others have already said.

    This takes time and you will feel those “stabs in the heart” at the most unexpected moments. But, you will get through this. The tougher part is is watching your dad.

    We lost my mother 6 years ago. I’m think of her each day.

    My condolences to you and your family,
    Jo Marie

  26. I am so sorry for your loss.

  27. Teresa Mucha says:

    So sorry for your loss. Praying for your entire family during this emotional time.

  28. Ann I’m so sorry for your loss,I am just seeing this now. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  29. Hello Ann,

    Just wanted to share you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so thankful for all the time you had to make memories with both your Mom and Dad. Clearly you are grateful for the time and memories you all shared.

    My mom passed when I was 10 and my Poppa when I was 29. Life can be unexpected, yet when we treasure the good and allow the happy times to fuel future memories we honor the love and care shared with those in our lives.

    You are such an inspiration to many and I am certain your future moments will be further inspired with memories of your Mom.

    All His best!

  30. Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. You have been an inspiration to me and so many others, and I know your Mom was very proud of you. Take care and God bless you and your family.

  31. Maria Rosa says:

    Cuanto lo siento :-(
    Muchísimo ánimo!

  32. Kristine Puzel says:

    Like many others who have commented, I lost my Mom 4 years ago. I am still so incredibly grateful that I was able to take care of her at home the last years of her life. A few days after she was gone I was in the grocery store, and realized I almost forgotten to get the small Fuji apples that she liked. I took 2 steps, stopped dead in my tracks, and burst into tears right then and there. It will be a process, so please give yourself all the time you need. Your blog, thoughts and ideas are always such a joy. We will all be here waiting whenever it is right for you to come back. May your memories give you and your family peace and comfort.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing…I already had a moment like this!

  33. I’m so sorry to hear of you’re dear Mother’s passing. I’m keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  34. Janette Deans says:

    Hello Ann, I am a newby to your blog, I have just read about your beautiful Mum and you have my sincere sympathy, so sorry, thankfully she has left you and your father a world of good memories…..take care, her love will carry you through it..xx

  35. Ann, you have been such an inspiration to me through your blog! I look forward to seeing your posts and rush to see what new ideas you provide for me! My heart goes out to you and your family during one of the most difficult times we have to deal with in this life, the death of our parents. It’s hard, but something we must face. My mom fought a hard battle with Colin cancer for 7 yrs. By the end of it, I could honestly say to my heavenly Father, please take her. Her pain was more than her family could bear to watch. There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think of her and say to myself, ” now what would mom have done in this circumstance”? I smile and say to myself, “figure it out Deb, you can do it!” And somehow, I do! May you find comfort in God’s arms wrapped tightly around you, and knowing many friends in blog land are lifting you up today!
    Debbie Thacker
    B’ham AL

  36. Deepest condolences on the loss of your dear mother, Ann. I hope that you’ll soon find a place where you can begin to put one foot in front of the other and emerge from your grief.

    Best wishes. I’ll be looking forward to your return.

    Candy Box Digital

  37. I went through this 11 years ago and it’s still so hard to think that my mom is gone. I can tell you that it gets easier. I hope that helping your dad will ease your transition some. You are in my prayers.

  38. Karen on Bainbridge Island says:

    So sorry that your mom is gone. I’ve been through it and know what it’s like. Eventually you do get to that place where the memories of her are happy ones and the sadness slips away. All the best to your father as he adjusts.

  39. My mother died 2 years ago. Still seems like yesterday. No matter how old she was or I am, she was still Mom. I am so sorry for your loss.

  40. Oh, Ann! I’m so sorry! I know your heart is breaking and I totally understand as my little mother went to heaven a few years ago and sometimes even now when something happens, my first thought is to call and tell her. I pray for your dad, you and your family. Take all the time you need and we’ll be here when you come back.
    Shelia ;)

  41. Kris Turner says:

    Ann, as difficult as it is to loose a parent, please rest assured that she is on the most awesome journey of her life – back Home to her Father. It will be a difficult transition for you and your dad, but rest in God and knowing your mom is truly peaceful. Prayers for you all are going up, as well.

  42. Lisa Beggs says:

    Ann, my prayers are with you and your Dad. Your creative juices will flow once again ~ you just need time to absorb and work through your mother’s death.

  43. I am so very sorry for your loss. My Mom was a nurse and always told me that your hearing is the last sense to leave you. Rest assured that your mother heard you. She will never be any further away than the memories you carry with you.
    Praying for you at this difficult time.

  44. Ann, my prayers are with you and your father and family at this time.

  45. Elizabeth @RusticMaple says:

    So sorry for your loss, Ann. My condolences to you, your Dad and family.

  46. Ann,
    My heart is saddened at the passing of your Mother, dear friend.
    Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers
    at this difficult time in your lives.

  47. You have my deepest sympathy in the passing of your . The last thing my mom said to me, because she could barely talk, was, “Quit worrying.” I chuckled because she taught me how. Good luck to you and to your dad. Sounds like he has a wonderful daughter.

  48. May God be with you and your family as you grieve your mother’s loss. May you find strength in him, his word and each other. Cherish your memories and celebrate her life. I admire your willingness to share this. I believe you’re helping so many others going through this as well! God bless you.

  49. Ann,

    So sorry for your loss. Condolences and prayers to you, your dad and all who knew an loved your mother.


  50. Ann,

    It is hard to deal with the death of your mother; you will be in my prayers as you learn to live in this new life. And I offer prayers of thanks for the obviously good and loving life of your mother.


  51. dawn turner says:

    Deep sympathy in the loss of your mom. God Bless!

  52. So sorry for your loss, Ann. My parents are both still alive, but they are 86 and I know how precious every day is and how it can so suddenly change. Prayers for you and your dad. I know my dad will be lost without my mom should she go first. Someone once said to a grieving spouse, ‘She is just one step ahead of the rest of us.’ I found that to be comforting. Maybe your dad will too. God bless.


  53. I am so sad for you for your loss. May God be with you, your dad and the rest of your family
    through these coming days and weeks. My prayers are with you and yours.

  54. I know what everyone of you going through as i lost my mom in 2009 . Deepest sympathy to you, your dad, and your entire family. Keeping you in our prayers.

  55. Marjorie Dineen says:

    Dear Ann,

    I was very sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. In her picture she is very beautiful. I know that you and your Dad gave her beautiful care. I am sending prayers and loving thoughts to all of your family. As you said so beautifully, peace and grace.


  56. So sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I too, am on a grief journey. Our beautiful daughter passed away in 2013 and it has been very difficult. The separation is quite challenging but we have the hope that we will be reunited in heaven.

  57. Deepest sympathy to you, your dad, and your entire family. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  58. Marsha Wise says:

    My deepest condolences to you and your Dad. My prayers are with you.

  59. Dear Ann:

    How very sorry I am for your loss. I hope that both you and she are women of faith, and that you believe you will be reunited again. There will be a time of terrible loss, when you grieve for all the lovely memories you shared. But I promise you there will be a day when you think back with joy to those memories, and instead of sadness being the first thing you feel, it will be that you feel blessed to have shared all the love and the sweet memories. That is my prayer for you…

  60. Anne Hudson says:

    So sorry for your loss of your precious mother and your father his bride. May you both feel the strength from all the prayers being said for you all. I have walked in your shoes. When you get down just remember your sweet memories and your mother is in your heart.

  61. So sorry for the loss of your Mom, It has been I year in Jan since I lost my Dad and I cherish those last days my family and I shared in caring for him in his own home as he slipped away quietly. Know your Mom knew you were with her as she entered her heavenly home.

  62. Ann I am so very sorry for you and your Dad’s loss. It is so very hard to lose a parent. I lost my dad suddenly so I understand what you are going thru. Keep the memories close to your heart and she will always be with you. Hugs to you both.

  63. maureen fleming says:

    Hi Ann: Sorry for the loss of your mom. I bet she was a very special lady. I really enjoy your blog. I love all of the creative ideas. My parents got sick last year within a month of each other, and your chicken soup recipe became a favorite of ours when I stayed at their house. Prayers to you and your dad. Maureen

  64. Debra Hartt says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, Ann. January 2nd was a full year since my Mom died. I think of her every day. Sometimes I am happy because I was so lucky to have had her for 60 years and she was an amazing Mom. Other times I still cry when some memory is triggered and I know she is no longer here. She was my everything and I was very close to her. Anyway, take time for yourself. Smile when you want to and when you want to cry, just do so. Everyone who knows and loves you will understand. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Thinking about you….

  65. Debra Hartt says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, Ann. January 2nd was a full year since my Mom died. I think of her every day. Sometimes I am happy because I was so lucky to have had her for 60 years and she was an amazing Mom. Other times I still cry when some memory is triggered and I know she is no longer here. She was my everything and I was very close to her. Anyway, take time for yourself. Smile when you want to and when you want to cry, just do so. Everyone who knows and loves you will understand. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Thinking about you….

    Debra Hartt

  66. I am reading this a day late but wanted to let you know that I’m sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. In time you will smile at the memories and in the meantime, it’s ok to grieve her loss. Just so you know, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that your Mom heard you when you spoke to her. Moms do that…sending prayers your way.

  67. Susan Lupo says:


    So sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. I lost my Mom two years ago this coming September. I take joy in the memories – her smile, the sound of her laughter and all of the special things that made her who she was. These things will never leave me nor will they leave you. Hugs and prayers.


  68. Ann,

    I have never commented before but your blog is a favorite of mine and I felt inclined to let you know I am sending well wishes your way from Colorado. I wish you peace in this great time of mourning.


  69. Michelle Hefner says:

    I am so very sad for you for the loss of your mother. My mother had been gone now for 16 years and I still miss her. The new normal is different for sure. Rest on God’s love and His comforting arms. Rely on Him to bring you and your dad through this. Praying for strenghth for you both at this very difficult time.

  70. Carol Anne Everett says:

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother. I am praying for you, your Dad and your family. May you all find comfort in the peace God gives.

  71. Praying for you and your dad at this difficult time. I lost my mom 3 years ago. It is hard but it does get better.

  72. Ann, very sorry to hear of your Mothers passing.

  73. I’m so terribly sorry Ann to hear the news of your mom’s passing. I’ve been praying for you and your family for awhile now and will continue to do so. Lean on your faith during this difficult time and have peace and comfort that only He can give.

  74. Carol @ The Red Painted Cottage says:

    Oh Ann, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost both my parents and my only sibling, so I know that heartache and pain you’re going through. May you be surrounded by love, peace and sweet memories.

  75. I am so sorry for your loss. I know the emotions that you feel having just lost my wonderful Mom almost two years ago. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family today and all the days ahead. Your Mom will live forever in your hearts and the comfort is knowing we will see them again. May God wraps his living arms around you and assure you that your Mom is ok.

  76. Brenda Harms says:

    Prayers and hugs…so sorry for your loss

  77. My sympathies to you and your family. I also lost my mom this year. Praying that God’s peace will surround you.

  78. I don’t personally KNOW you, Ann, but I do know what it is like to lose your mother. It is very difficult and a challenge. But with spring, comes new life and you will see the sunshine again. Prayers for you and your dad to find peace and comfort.

  79. Donna Thomas says:

    I am sorry to hear of your moms passing. Prayers for you, your father and your family.

  80. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

  81. Debbie Norman says:

    So sorry for your loss. Know you will be a great encouragement for your Dad. May God bless you and your family with His Peace That Passes Understanding (Jesus).

  82. Valerie Brown says:

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. I know how you feel, I lost my mom over 10 years ago and I watched my father slowly meltdown without my mother. He lived almost 3 years and I say lived but he really didn’t, he never accepted her death and he would ask where was she until the day he died. I hope and pray your father doesn’t live his time without your mom like my dad, because it’s not a good look to watch. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  83. Ann, Special thoughts to you at this difficult time.

  84. Oh, Ann, I am so very sorry to read about your dear mother… I can’t imagine the emptiness that your heart must be feeling right now. I am already dreading that day when I can no longer talk to my mom; it must be so difficult for you and your dad. I hope that happy memories of special times you and your mom shared will help carry you through these sad days… Wishing you peace and sending a warm hug your way.

  85. Christina says:

    I’m so sorry to read about your loss. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  86. I’m so very sorry to read of your Mom’s passing. I sincerely hope you, your Dad and family will find the strength to get through these next few days and that the following weeks and months will somehow bring you peace in knowing that your Mom is no longer in pain. She’s with all of you in your hearts. God bless you all.

  87. Lori Wilbins says:

    Praying for you.

  88. Dear Ann,

    So sorry for your my mom’s mass I read a poem to her, which ended with “I will always be your little girl”….the strength to get through that reading was definitely a gift from the Lord. He will give you strength to get through these difficult days and he will gently remind you everyday that the love and memories that fill your heart will bring you peace. I was her only child and I was and am so blessed to have had her as my mom…I’m sure you feel the same. Blessings to you and yours…

  89. I am so very sorry for your loss Ann. Thoughts and prayers are with you….

  90. Gay Boston says:

    My sincere sympathy, Ann. My Mom passed away in October. Like yours, she couldn’t speak, but we talked to her. She was in a lovely hospice facility, and their care for her was amazing. Such a comfort to us in a difficult time.
    We didn’t have a funeral (she had donated her body to science), but we had a memorial service with a large gathering. We all went to eat at one of her favorite restaurants afterward, and had a wonderful time sharing stories about Mama and what she meant to all of us. I hope you have the chance to do something similar. It was heart-warming to hear how many people loved her.
    I pray for peace for you and your Dad.
    We’ll all be here when you come back. Thank you for sharing this time with us. Sincerely,

  91. Ann I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  92. MariaElena says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Praying for you and you Dad. Take care. xxx Maria

  93. Praying for you, your dad, and your whole family.

  94. Sorry for your tremendous loss.I pray you will find peace.

  95. Kathryn M says:

    Heartfelt prayers to you and your family

  96. I am praying for you, your family, and especially your dad. Thanks for taking the time & energy to let us know. Take all the time away you need; we’ll be “here” when you’re ready to come back.

  97. Maggie Garcia-Schubert says:

    Ann, you have allowed us into your life so graciously that although we don’t know each other personally, I feel I do know you and need to express my heartfelt condolences. My mom beat yours to heaven by 2.5 years and while I still miss her, the thought of her dancing (for I just know she’ll be dancing!) with Jesus is so comforting. I pray for peace and comfort for you, your dad, and your family during this valley walk but take heart, my sister – reunion has been prmised and His promises are true. My sincere condolences, Maggie

  98. Christine B says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing, my sympathies go out to you and your family. Hoping you will find comfort in all the wonderful memories you have of her.

  99. I am so sorry for your tremendous loss and pray the Lord will comfort you and your dad and the family knowing that He is the Comforter and Keeper of our souls. We know that whosoever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:15).

    God bless.

  100. Anita Dillard says:

    Ann, all of us who love you are keeping you and your family in our prayers–She was very beautiful, and her love, her example, and her influence will always be with you–I’m sure you have many wonderful memories, and any time you’d like to share, we would love to hear–

  101. Ann, I just read through all these beautiful, heartfelt comments. No new words, just adding my prayers and condolences to the many others.

    God bless you and your father.

    Barbara in Calif.

  102. Ann, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Mother. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. May your Mother be cradled in God’s loving arms, surrounded by all of Heaven’s Angels….

  103. Ann, My deepest sympathies and heart felt prayers are with you. May you find much grace and strength in these days. May these words of a very familiar Psalm give you comfort and peace:

    “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the path of righteousness For His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for YOU are with me…”

    Praying for you and your family,

  104. I’m grateful for having found a woman who writes this blog who has such a kind heart. Take care of yourself. We will be here when you are ready to come back.

  105. Becky Ritchey says:

    Ann, I so enjoy your ideas and I’ve learned from you. May God comfort you and your family now and in the days ahead. Praying for you.

  106. I am on the same journey that you’ve been travelling with your Mom Ann, and so offer my deepest sympathy. May the knowledge that you did ever thing you could think of, to love and care for her, be of comfort in the coming days and weeks. Hang on to each other as you share treasured memories.

  107. Nilza Brito says:

    My heart goes out to you… deepest felt sympathy!
    This is a very difficult journey….I know from experience….take time to grieve because that will be part of your healing!!
    May God’s grace be with you.

  108. You and your family are in my prayers.

  109. Stephanie says:


    My sincerest sympathy. I lost my Mom in October after a few months of illness. I know she is in heaven with my Daddy and the Lord and that gives us peace. And, she is also able to do the things that she was no longer able to do. That is comforting. We miss her but we have wonderful memories that are special. May you continue to enjoy the special memories of your Mom and may you make more special memories with your Dad. God’s Blessings to you and your family! May you feel His comforting arms around you.

  110. My sincerest sympathy for you. Prayers for you and your family..for much peace and a time of celebrating sweet memories.

  111. Dear Ann….My heart goes out to you in this time of sadness. You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. What a beautiful woman she was. Be so proud of her as I am sure she was of you in her lifetime. Take care if your Dad….

  112. Sharyn Linehan says:

    Dear Ann

    My deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your mother.

    Sharyn (Bendigo, Victoria, Australia)

  113. Grace Grace…….Amazing Grace

    God bless you and keep you~
    Make his face shine upon you~
    and give you peace~

  114. Sending condolences, your mother looks lovely. Feel blessed she was yours.

  115. Meda Branwell says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Ann. May the Lord use your many fond memories and photos to help heal all of your hearts.

  116. Sincerest sympathies to you and your family. May God bless you and give you strength for the days ahead.

  117. Peace and bless your soul!!! I’m sorry for your loss. May your Mother rest in peace and may you find comfort in that.

  118. Lisa Peterson says:

    Oh Ann, you are so in my shoes. I went through the loss of my mother in 1998 and I will always remember that she couldn’t talk. I said my peace and gave her message once or twice. She laid there for 7 days. What a wonderful mother she was. I was an only child and after mom left it was dad and I. I took care of him till he died. They both died in my house under my care. That is something I will always be thankful for. Dad lived another 2 years after mom left. I am sure you will find your peace and feel her presence as I do many times. You can be proud of the good daughter you have been. You have my love and hope all goes good for you from now on. I know you will find your road to travel.

  119. Margot Hayes says:

    I am so sorry. You will always have her in your heart.

  120. Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. My wish for you and your dad is that the love of friends and family carry you through your grief, and may your hearts soon be filled with wonderful memories of joyful times shared together as you remember a life well lived.
    You, your dad and all of your family are in my prayers.

  121. So sorry for your loss. Prayers to you, your dad and family.

  122. Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss…xoxo

  123. Ann, my prayers are with you and your dad. May the Peace of our Savior be with you and comfort you. Diana

  124. Laura Friend says:

    Ann, I’m so sorry to hear about you losing your mother. We are never, ever ready to let them go. My condolences to you and your family. May you go easy on yourselves during these difficult sad times. God Bless.

  125. Phyllis Haynes says:

    So very hard to give your mother up. It does get better with time. Praying for you and your family.

  126. Wendy Johnson says:

    I am so sorry. Your mom was the same age as mine is. I will pray for you and your loved ones.

  127. Ann,
    We are so sorry for the loss of your mother and all that comes with the passing of someone so loved. I hope that you will find comfort in knowing the gift you were given in being able to care for her and the caring gifts of love and compassion she was able to receive from you as well. In my nursing career I have taken care of many patients who have been in a comatose state during the course of their illness and recovered. The overwhelming majority all stated they were able to hear, even when unable to respond. Please take the time you need to refresh and recharge. We will be here patiently waiting. Prayers to you, your father and family.

  128. Ann, you”ve been a good daughter. I’m sorry for your loss. My mother died some time ago, but I still miss her every day. Be well and take care of yourself.

  129. Rose Marie Biddle says:

    Oh Susan, I am so sorry to read this info! Go forward knowing our God never makes mistakes! Your Mom is now pain free and rejoicing in His love. I pray that you and your Dad shall find peace, comfort, and strength during this grieving period! I know your memories of you Mother shall be a comfort for years to come. . . maybe not now, but in time they shall!

  130. Prayers for you and your family

  131. Praying for you and your Dad….so very sorry about your Mom…

  132. I am sorry. I have been in your position. Part of you is glad she is beyond any suffering. But there is the part that is trying to figure out how you will go on without her.

    You and your family are in my prayers.

  133. Thoughts and prayers. I am sorry for your loss. I have been there and it is a very emotional time.

  134. Hi Anne,
    My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family, I lost be dear mother on December 19th.2015 after a long fought battle with dementia.. My Mom was a loving and devoted wife, mother and grandmother. We miss her terribly, but feel relieved that her suffering has ended. I feel your loss. I know each day you will have both happy and sad feelings, but you will have the satisfaction of having a wonderful mother and being a daughter that was dedicated to her.
    I will remember you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing this most personal time with everyone.

  135. Sherry Myers says:

    She had to be a wonderful woman to have such a caring and attentive daughter. You are exactly where I was two years ago at this very time of the year. Hard times..I think a part of yourself is lost forever when you lose a parent. My deepest condolences are conveyed here. I know you will miss her every day, but hope is such a comforting word. You will be together again. Draw comfort from that hope.

  136. I’m so very sorry!
    I can relate to your loss. My Mom passed away on Sept 2014, and I miss her every day. I try to think about all the good times I had with her, that seems to help.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    I love your blog.

  137. Dear Ann,
    Your post about your mom was deeply touching. Even though my experience was a few years ago it still feels like it was just yesterday. I am positive your mom could hear you. The good thing is that you can talk to her any time you want and she will hear you. Some days you will even feel her presence with you. I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and for your dad that God will give you both the strength to be there for one another.

  138. Ann,I’m so sorry for your loss it’s never easy to lose a parent no matter what age we are. She will always be with you.Prayers for you & your family.

  139. Our deepest sympathy is extended to you and your family during this very difficult time.❤️❤️❤️

  140. Sending prayers and wishes for peace and strength for you and your family in the days ahead.

  141. Claire Quilty says:

    May God bless you and your family. Your beautiful mother was very loved, not only by her family, we all wished her well and sent prayers and now we are praying for you. Thank you for keeping us in grace and smiles, you are your mother’s daughter. We appreciate you. Claire Quilty

  142. Ann,

    I am so, so sorry. May God bless you, be with you, keep you, and grant you His peace.



  143. Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words to say other than that. You and your family, especially your father are in my prayers.

  144. Marialice says:

    So sorry for your loss. Marialice

  145. Gwen Condit says:

    I am so sorry to read this because it must have been so hard…I listened to an old Mercy Me (?) song today Just take them to Jesus…we don’t have the answers to all of life’s questions but His yoke. Is easy, His burden is light…
    You are already in my praying as I write and prayers as God puts you on my heart. A new normal. I’m sad for you…tears…the age of my mother in law.
    What a beautiful photo.
    The Llord bless you and keep you especially in these days to come.
    In Christ,
    Gwen Condit

  146. Our understanding your pain but the memories and Our Father’s strength will keep you strong and at peace❤️❤️❤️

  147. Charlotte says:

    Bless you as you go through one of the saddest sad times of your life. Take care of yourself and yours. I can feel your pain.
    I love your post. I get it every week and I look forward to it.
    My natural blood line is Boney?Bony(?). I wonder if your husband is related!
    Please contact me on my personal email.

  148. Hilda Jolley says:

    Sorry for your loss. May God wrap you in His loving embrace and give you peace.

  149. Amelda Shaw says:

    So sorry for your loss. Will miss your inspirational post but will be waiting for your return.

  150. Dear Ann, and Family, I was so sad to hear of your mom’s passing. Glad she didn’t seem to suffer towards the end. Of course it’s the hardest for us afterward. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Cheryl

  151. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  152. Mary Lynn Halland says:

    I’m sorry for your loss. It’s nice to see all the kind postings here. Lots of love and grace from all over.

  153. Oh Ann I’m so sorry for your loss. I know you will truly miss your mom . She is in a better place now with no pain or suffering .You now have a guardian angel to watch over you and your family. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  154. I’m so sorry for your family’s loss! Your mom was a beautiful lady. I’ll be thinking of your family as you go thru this sad time.

  155. My heart is so very sad for you! Having lost my dad less than a year ago my heart knows a little of what your loss is like. My lovely memories have carried me, and I hope yours will carry you as well.


  156. Bless you and your Dad. I am so sorry. It is very difficult. My heart aches for you. My Mom passed away 3 years ago. My Dad has managed pretty good but he had a struggle the first six months. You will all be in my prayers.

  157. Ramona Houdek says:

    I have you and your family in my prayers. I have lost both parents and it was my honor to be with them until the end. For myself and my selfish reasons, I would still want them here, but I know they are pain free and together in Heaven!

    Although we don’t know each other, sending you lots of love and prayers!!!!! Hold all the conversation, times, memories close to you!!!


  158. Blessing for you and for your family, Ann. I know how you feel. Keep those positive thoughts. Your mom would like that.


  159. Bless you for what you did for your mother. She heard every word, which allowed her to pass peacefully. You made sure her wishes were met, and everyone should have that opportunity. Thank you for being such a good daughter.

  160. Gael Fawley says:

    Keep looking up????????

  161. Ann, I’m so sorry for your loss. Your mother was beautiful! It is so very hard to say good-bye to our mothers; she will always be in your heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  162. Praise God for “Precious Memories”. Memories keep loved ones with us after they’ve gone on to be with the Lord.

  163. Hi Ann,
    So sorry to hear about your dear Mother. To address what you said about your Mom hearing you,
    I have always heard that the hearing is the last thing to go when a person is passing from this life,
    so if that is true and I believe it is……….then she did hear you.
    Will be praying for you and your Dad and family as I know this will be a bitter/sweet time.
    Praying that all your sweet memories of her will bring you great joy during this time
    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  164. Elizabeth says:

    Ann, sorry to hear about your Mum. Was glad to hear your Dad and you were with her. Thought this little verse was lovely and hopefully helps you in the months ahead.
    When someone you love dies,You never quite get over it.
    You just slowly learn how to go on without them.
    But always keeping them tucked safely in your heart.


  165. Elizabeth says:

    Ann, sorry to hear about you Mum. Was glad to hear you Dad and you were with her. Thought this little verse was lovely and hopefully helps you in the months ahead.
    When someone you love dies,You never quite get over it.
    You just slowly learn how to go on without them.
    But always keeping them tucked safely in your heart.


  166. Dear Ann, I lost my own Mom two and a half years ago. I understand your sense of loss and I can only say that it WILL get better. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sending hugs and love.

  167. Sue Davidson says:

    Anne, I’m so sorry to hear of your mom. I feel as though you’ve done a wonderful job of continuing with blog posts considering the emotional load you must have been carrying. Take care and know many people are thinking of you and sending lots of prayers and love,

  168. jan butler says:

    So sorry for you loss. It is difficult to imagine life without those we love, but it is God’s plan. Ihave been with many family members on their death bed, & I want to assure you t hat they do hear & know what you are conveying to them.
    Prayers are with you & your family at this time.

  169. Dear Ann – I send love & prayers for you, your dad & loved ones & your lovely mother.
    I’m sure that she was comforted by your presence & DID hear you even though she couldn’t give you a sign of acknowledgment. What a blessing to have a “quiet & pain free” passing with loved ones present at her side.
    I know that no words can really comfort you, but I pray that you will find comfort in your “new normal” very soon. Do not be afraid of your present “roller coaster” – it will become less “roller” & more “coaster” as you shift from feeling the very raw loss of her physical presence to treasuring her “constant presence” in your memories of her with a smile.
    Your positive inspiring artwork has meant so much to me and to my family every day! I pray that you are inspired to follow your own very positive force that inspires so many to be positive, be a force for good, and be grateful for each day & each small blessing.
    Peace & joy

  170. Anita Ward says:

    Praying for you and your family!!!!

  171. Anne,

    May blessings and peace surround you and your Dad at this difficult time.

  172. Patrice Durham says:

    Ann, may you be comforted but the joyful memories that your mom left in your heart. I will pray peace and comfort for you, your Dad and all who loved her. My dad passed away suddenly this past October and although my heart was broken, I am always reminded of just how much he loved and adored me. May you find the same.

  173. Sincerest sympathy, Ann, on the loss of one so dear. May you find peace in your heart and hold on to the precious memories she has given you.

  174. Lynne Ward Wallace says:

    I am so very sorry to learn of your mother’s passing. My mom passed away over the Thanksgiving weekend quite unexpectedly. I’m not sure any words can bring comfort at this time but it was very helpful to think about the constraints she had being removed finally. She had had a stroke and no longer was walking. Her dementia getting worse by the day. I was able to focus on these physical challenges being lifted so that she could run and jump for joy again. She could be the unconstrained mom I remember from growing up. She was such a wonderful and dynamic person that thinking about her return to that body was very calming and comforting to me. I will be praying for you and your family during this time. Wishing you great peace. Lynne

  175. Cookie Eddings says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. It hurts so much when you have to give up one of the most important people in your life. She must have been a wonderful mom to raise such a lovely daughter. My prayers are with you & your dad.


  176. Carole Denoncourt says:

    My condolences to you, your father, family and friends for your the loss of your beautiful mother.
    By the way, you like her.
    Take time for yourself because loosing a parent is like loosing an anchor, a confident and a good mentor.
    She will keep looking after you, always.
    Love your blog and the ideas that you propose to us.
    Take care

  177. Carolyn G. says:

    My prayers for you and your family, especially your father. May you be comforted by the memories of good times with your Mom.

  178. So sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure your heart is sad but try to think of all the kindness she taught you. I never really comment but I so enjoy your creativity and I am sure you got a bit of it from your Mom. Prayers your way. Bunny

  179. I am so sorry. I miss my Mother everyday. You are in my prayers and my heart.

  180. Charlotte says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Father.

  181. Jeanie Nichols says:


    i am so sorry for your loss of your mother. My mother passed away five years ago and it
    is a difficult thing to get through. Our heavenly Father is a great comforter and He will give
    you the strength to endure. Your blog lifts my spirits and brightens my day.

  182. Ann, I am So Very Sorry to hear of your sadness. Having lost my Mama 10 years ago to death. I understand a lot of your feelings. Over this time I have come to understand that while she is lost to death, she won the Victory of going Home to her Savior, my Daddy, and her family. The pain you feel will diminish with Time and you will find people and things that help mend your Broken Heart. My Prayers are with You and Your Family Praying that You find the Comfort that only comes thru Christ. GOD Bless You today and the tomorrows to come’

  183. I am so sorry for your loss. I have heard that hearing is the last thing to go so I am trusting that she heard you.

  184. Melissa McCrary says:

    I am so sorry to hear of your mothers passing. May she rest in peace and you and your father remember the sweet memories you had with her to get you through. Know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers

  185. Teresa Reis says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one. Be strong…

  186. I am very sorry to read of the loss of your mother. I just “found” your blog about a week ago and have been drawn to it several times over the past few days. Today was the first time I saw the post about your mother’s death. It is always hard to lose a parent, no matter the age of the parent, the age of the child, or even the circumstances surrounding the loss. You will find a new normal and be able to continue though, I can’t lie, it won’t always be easy. My thoughts go out to your dad as well. He will find a new normal too. I am glad you were able to be with your mother when she passed. Thoughts to you,

  187. I’m so sorry you lost your mother. You and your family are in my prayers.

  188. I know the pain runs very deep now. I have gone through the loss of both my parents and understand your loss. You and you Dad are in my prayers.

  189. Jackie S. says:

    Thoughts and prayers to you and your dad.

  190. A mother’s love can never be replaced…just remembered. So very sorry for your loss. Peace to you and your father. Memories will make you smile again.

  191. Teresa Davis says:

    Ann I’m so very sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Unfortunately, I know the up and down of emotions as I lost my dear mother last July. I pray peace, love and courage for you and your father as you continue down the path without your mother….she was beautiful.

  192. Dorothy Bruner says:

    Heartfelt prayers and thoughts to you. I know what you are going through. Be strong and remember the good times you shared with your mom.

  193. Gretchen Lee says:

    Ann, I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother. It is one of the hardest things to go through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad.

  194. I am so sorry for your loss…I can totally relate as I lost my mom in 1999…there are still days that something crosses my mind and I say “I have to call Lu and tell her” and then I realize that I can’t! Life goes on…things get better and return to normal…but like you said…it is a new normal…
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time…

    PS…I always referred to my mom as Lu ( her name was Lucy ) not to be disrespectful…just started as a joke and then stuck…

  195. Marie Stewart says:

    I am so sorry for your loss and feel your pain. I will pray for you and your father as you go through the struggles of the next stage in your lives. You never get over it, but with God’s Grace you will learn to live in a different way.
    God Bless you and your family.

  196. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother. Your dad is lucky that he has you close.
    Remember the happiness. Take care.

  197. LuAnn Conant says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart and journey. You, your family and your father are in my prayers. Praying you will sense the love and presence of God during this difficult time.

  198. Sharon Clabaugh says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss. It does get easier, but you will have your days of thoughts you’d rather not think about, but that will pass. Try to remember the pluses and you’ll be okay. I fully understand your sadness at this time in your life. Great big hugs to you and your family.

  199. Wishing peace and fond memories to you and your father.

  200. Thinking of you. You will always have a hole in your heart. But life goes on. It’s just a little harder.

  201. Suzy Voigt says:

    Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  202. Cathy Tippens says:

    Ann, I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my father last May and I understand your feelings of happiness and sadness. My heart and prayers are with you.

  203. Lisa Marutz says:

    For all that you give your readers, I hope you can hears my prayers for you and your family.
    Blessings, Lisa

  204. So sorry to hear about your mom. This part of life is so hard. My parents are in a nursing home and I know they can’t last much longer. But let’s dwell on all our wonderful memories.

  205. You are wise to take time for you and your dad. We will be here when you come back.
    With deepest sympathy, Heidi

  206. Donna Booker says:

    Anne, I am so sorry to hear of your loss….I lost my dad a few years ago and it can be rough on emotions, though we all know it’s the process of life. You are in my thoughts and prayers….Donna

  207. Anne, i am so sorry, its so hard but the days will get better. The happy times will out weigh the bad memories. My prayers are with you and your family….

  208. Karen K from Buffalo says:

    Oh Ann, I am so sorry to hear about your Mother. I wish you much peace in knowing that your Mother is with the good Lord & there’s is no better place for her to be. Tears are OK, so let them flow for cleansing & healing. You & your Dad & of course, your Mom are in my prayers. May you be filled with God’s love & blessings.

  209. God bless you and your family, Ann. I will pray for you this week and at Mass on Sunday.Your mom must have been a special person to have had a daughter as wonderful and loving as you are. A part of her will live on in you.

  210. Deborah Fletcher says:

    Dearest Ann,
    So sorry to hear about the passing of your Mom. It is one of the hardest to journey through. My prayer is that Jesus will wrap his arms around you and hold you close as you grieve. She has etched her place on your heart and that can never be taken. Xoxo

  211. God bless you and your family, Ann. I will remember you in my prayers this week and in Mass on Sunday. She must have been a lovely lady to have had a daughter as wonderful and loving as you are. A part of her lives on in you.

  212. Ann,

    Your Mom was a beautiful lady, just like her daughter. You have my deepest sympathy.

    Fondly, Rosemary

  213. So sorry to hear about your mom….my mom gained her angel wings just 3 weeks ago. As I sit here with my dad that just had surgery yesterday…..I am full of all kinds of emotions… mom had her way of getting me ready for her passing….I hope my dad has his special way too. I will be thinking of you and sending prayers for your comfort….love and huggs

  214. So sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. May God watch over you and your family at this time, and may he grant you his strength and courage.

  215. My condolences for the loss of your Mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


  216. Your Mom heard you and your dad, I believe this with all my heart. We talked to my dad in the same circumstance until he was gone. I faithfully believe he knew we were there and felt our love. After 6 years, a thought, memory, smell, or a sunflower (his favorite) will have me burst into tears but then I remember all the good times and what a wonderful father he was. I miss him every day. Your family will be in my prayers as you take this difficult journey.

  217. Dear Ann, I’m so very sorry for the pain that you are experiencing. We never outgrow the need of our mother’s love, do we? I pray that you will receive solace & peace from Jesus who told us that “those who mourn shall be comforted”. I pray that celebrating the joys & memories of your mom’s life will be a true blessing to your entire family.

  218. Oh, Ann my sincere condolences. It’s so hard to lose your mother, especially when you have a good, close relationship. My prayers for your family and your dad. Yes you will come back full of new ideas, and memories may be a big focus for a while. I know it was for me when I lost my mom two years ago. I did gallery walls of my parents and siblings and nieces and nephews. Family and memories. Always important, just much more so now. Be gentle with yourself.

  219. So sorry to hear about your loss. What a beautiful photo. You need to look after yourself & take time out to grieve. Take care.

  220. Ellie LaJuett says:

    So sorry for your loss. May the peace of the Lord be with you and yours in your time of need. May her memories give you comfort and joy.

  221. Ann, so sorry for your loss. Losing one of our parents and loved ones is always a struggle. Prayers for everyone!

  222. Prayers are with you Ann I lost my mother when I was 16. I just turned 50 and it still makes me sad. What gives me comfort is knowing where she is and she is no longer in pain. Your Dad might surprise you with his strength. Just know that we will all be here when you return. Take your time to go through all the emotions. Hugs to your family.


  223. Donna Frede says:

    Dear Ann,
    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. You are going through one of the hardest times of your life but I think your ability to be thankful for the good times will give you the strength you need. I lost my mother in January a little over 25 years ago. The overwhelming sadness is gone but I will always miss her. Now my children and I can laugh about some of the fun things we all did together. It may take awhile but I’m sure you will get there too.

    1. Sue Swicegood says:

      May you and yours feel the presence of His Peace and comfort.

  224. Pamela Gordon says:

    Dear Ann, I am so very sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing and pray you will find comfort and peace in memories of her. Blessings and hugs,

  225. pepermintpatty says:

    Your Mother was beautiful. My thoughts and prayers are with you

  226. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

  227. Ann, my heart goes out to you and your family. May you find comfort through this difficult time.

  228. Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m praying for Gods grace and peace for you and your family.

  229. I am sorry for your loss. Your Mother will be in all the little things you do for the rest of your life. Your sadness will turn to sweet memories & smiles, believe me, I know.

  230. So many of us do understand what you are going through. My Mother died in 2004 and I still miss her every day. There are certain things I randomly do that make me feel very close to her – silly things really (peal peaches, eat a Little Debbie oatmeal cream cookie, watch something on PBS that I know she would like). You & your Dad will help each other in the days to come. When you happen to notice a picture of your Mom, hear a song she liked, or smell her perfume, you’ll most likely cry; but the day will come when those things will make you smile as you remember the good times. Draw strength from family and friends; let them do things for you when they offer. You will be giving them the gift of service. Even tho we have never met, I will be here, in NC, supporting you.

  231. I am so very sorry for your loss! Praying for you and your Dad.

  232. May God be with you and your family during your sorrow!

  233. I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. It is a difficult thing to lose your Mum, feeling a little like a ship without an anchor. I am praying for comfort and blessings for you and your father as you go about your coming days. May God’s strength and peace be with you, Ann.

  234. Prayers for you and your family and I hope you will feel comforted. I am sorry for your loss.

  235. So sorry for your loss. Your mother did hear you and your dad.

  236. Ann,

    I am sorry for your loss. Your mom will be in your heart with you always. Prayers to you and your family.

  237. LANI BROWN says:

    My prayers are with you. I know what it is like to loose a parent and it is hard…and always will be. Take time for yourself to think of all of your fond memories. They will last a lifetime.

  238. My heart goes out to you and your family. I lost my Mom in 2010 and my Dad only last November. Thoughts of them still come to mind every day because the people who influence our lives so strongly never really leave us. They live on in our hearts and in our memories of wonderful times with them. Take time to heal.

  239. My heart is breaking for you. I have this ahead of me, but not too far ahead. Take your time, we will all be here when you return.

  240. Susan Hensler says:

    Prayers and thoughts going out to you and your family at this difficult time in your lives. Cherish those precious moments and she will be with you always.

  241. Barb Killam says:

    My deepest sympathies Ann. I will keep all of you in my prayers. My Mom is 82 and frail and I honestly can’t imagine her not being in my life. Your Mom was a very lovely lady.

  242. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time in your life. It’s hard for those of us left behind on this earthly plane until we rejoin our families in the Hereafter. Know that she is at peace, she is well and truly loved by you, her family, and her Heavenly Father.
    I have no words that will truly provide you with comfort. For that I am sorry. It does appear that you have been well and truly blessed to have had your mother in your life. She will always be a part of you, because she and your father made you out of love for one another.

  243. Aggiequilter says:


    I’m so sorry to hear this. No matter how you prepare for it, it is still so hard.
    I lost my mom a few years ago, and there’s still hardly a day or a week that goes by that I don’t think of her. But now it’s with a big smile instead of tears.
    I wish smiles and good memories for you, your Dad and family, after the tears.

  244. Of course she heard you. Love isn’t heard only by ears, but felt in gentle touches, calming presence of familiar company and the secure trust that you are there to comfort..

  245. Vicki Hrivnak says:

    Praying for peaceful hearts for you, your Dad and family and for the creativity that fuels your passion to come back full force after you take some time to mourn your loss and find your “new normal”…much love and prayers coming your way!

  246. Cindy Parks says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I lost my mom 10 years ago. My prayers go out for you and your dad.

  247. I am your Mother’s age, Ann, but I still remember how hard it is to lose your Mother. Mine passed in 1985 and there’s hardly a day that I don’t think of her still. But you and your Dad will find a new ‘normal’, I promise. My sympathy to you both . . .

  248. Ann, I am so sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and your family.

  249. I am so sorry for your loss. I am also going through end of life with my mother. I am wishing you more happy than sad days in the future.

  250. I am so sorry for your loss and you, your father and your family will be in my prayers. The picture of your Mother is beautiful and thank you for sharing your tribute. I also want to let you know how much I enjoy your website, it makes me feel I am visiting “home” when I stop by for a inspiration and escape.

    thank you

  251. I’m so sorry about the loss of your Mom. Your Dad will need you now. I hope the two of you can provide comfort for each other in the coming days.

  252. I am so sorry to hear of your dear Mom’s passing! I so enjoy your posts and wish you well as you pursue your “new normal”. May your strength come from God!

  253. Ann…I am so sorry for your loss. The passing of our mother is one of life’s most difficult and sad events. It’s times like these when we miss the comfort of our mothers the most. I know she is in very wonderful place and you will see her again. Please be patient with yourself….it’s a long process. You and your dad are in my thoughts and prayers.

  254. Dear Ann,
    May God Bless You with peace as you walk this new journey.

  255. My heart goes out to you and your family and sending many prayers. We will look forward to your return but please don’t feel pushed, grief takes time. Hugs, BettyLou

  256. My thoughts and prayers are with you a d you Dad and family

  257. Elizabeth Bender says:

    So sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. What a pretty lady! I can see you love your parents very much. God Bless

  258. Ann – what a beautiful gift you and your dad gave your mom. So many people don’t get that time. As a retired oncology nurse, I’ve had the honor of being with families as their loved ones pass. It was always a solemn joy to see families just being with that person as they made their exit from this world. Such a sacred time. Be blessed. Prayers for you and your dad over the next days and months as you both adjust. Life is precious and can be fragile.

  259. So sorry for your loss but am glad you were so close to your parents. They could feel your love and know they brought a loving wonderful daughter into the world. Prayers for the coming days and years that the memory of all your time with her will make your heart sing with joy!

  260. Anne, thank you for sharing the news of your mom’s passing with us. I so love that you share your highs and lows with your readers as that is life and we all have good times and not so good times.. I wish you and your family peace and love, and I know when you share your next post, you will be full of wonderful new ideas and positive energy.

  261. Rebecca (Becky) says:

    Dear Ann, I got a knot in my stomach when I read your post. It brought back memories of my dear sweet mom. She passed almost 13 years ago and I miss her as much now as ever. My grandchildren were very close to her and we remininise about her a lot and smile and laugh and talk about her to our great grands as well, to keep her memory alive, as she was quite a force in all of our lives. Memories always help to keep her spirit alive. My heart aches for you. Take your time. Hugs

  262. Ann,
    Please know that I’m thinking of you and praying for you and your family as you face the coming days without your beautiful mom. The sweet memories will be your strength. I’m hopeful that you will include special memories and details about your mom in future posts.

  263. Ann,

    What a privilege to provide your mother’s care.

    May you find moments of joy in the days of sorrow.


  264. Jennifer Taylor says:

    My heart goes out to you at this sad time Ann. Your Mom was a beautiful woman, inside and out. God Bless.

  265. So sorry to hear about your mom. May you find strength knowing that she is in a better place.

  266. Catherine says:


    I wish to express my deepest sympathy to you and your dad. You did all you could to bring her comfort and love and I am certain she heard every word you said. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

  267. So sorry to hear of your Mother’s passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your Dad.

  268. Ann,
    Sending Love and Prayers to you and your family. Praying God’s loving arms will comfort you all in the days to come. Your faith in God will be a companionship and will help heal the pain and loss of your mom. I lost my mom a few year ago and it took me awhile to go beyond the pain of loss and to relish all the good memories we had together. But remember all the good times and treasure them each day. God Bless you and yours now and in the years to come.

  269. Blessings to you and your family in this time of grief.

  270. Jane George says:

    So sorry for your loss, may you and your Dad find comfort and peace.

  271. I’m so sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family. He will give you peace.

  272. Janell Thompson says:

    Ann~ I am sorry to read of your Mother’s passing, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers for the coming days. I pray God wraps you in the balm of his tender grace, love and mercies as you begin this season of your life. Blessings of comfort to you and yours, Janell

  273. Bonnie Green says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my mother this past year. I have so many wonderful memories of her and she inspires me to be the kind of loving person that she was.

  274. So very sorry in the passing of your mom . I truly enjoy reading your blog and I’m sure your mom has been an inspiration in a lot if your writings ! I know cause a lot of things that I enjoy doing come from my mom too. My mom passed away in 1996 and though our relationship was sort of up and down I am the person I am today a lot due to her influence and I’m actually proud of that ! Even though it’s been almost twenty years I still miss her ! The tears of the permanency of it has subsided but I still catch myself thinking I have to call her to tell her something ! Be strong and you’re right be grateful ! Sincerely a loyal reader ????

  275. Renee @ Living 511 says:

    Ann, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I pray for peace and comfort for you and your family in the days ahead.

  276. Mitzi Aziere says:

    My heart goes out to you and your Dad. I lost my precious Mom 4 years ago, and while it does get easier and you adjust, you will always miss her deeply. My prayers go with you. Take care.

  277. Beth Qualley says:


    So sorry for your loss. May God bless you during this time with beautiful memories.
    My prayers to you and your family xo

  278. I never post just enjoy what you so willingly share but need to let you know you have my sympathy.

  279. I’m so sorry for your loss, Ann. My prayers are with you and your family.

  280. I’m so sorry for your family’s loss.

  281. Lisa Arnold says:

    Love and prayers for you and your family. Praying for God’s loving arms to comfort you in the days ahead. God’s constant companionship will help to heal your loss, just remember your mother lives within your heart, she will always be there, think of the good times and treasure them in the days ahead. May God’s peace feel you in this time of need.

  282. Dear Ann- This morning I read about your beautiful Mom passing. I am so sorry for your family’s loss. My Dad passed away 7 years ago at the age of 95, and my Mom is 100 and will be joining him in the near future. I’m grateful that your Mom passed quietly, with both you and your father by her side. I’m sure that meant a lot to her. And you’re right thinking that, although she couldn’t talk to you, she did hear you. (Hearing is the last sense to go.) Focus on all the wonderful times you shared together, and all the things she taught you. As time goes by you’ll forget the bad times and remember only the good. She will continue to live through you and everyone else she touched. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. May you and your father share her life in blessings, peace and joy. Barb

  283. Your post touched my heart. I lost Mom twelve years ago and I still think of her every day. Be comforted by the knowledge that even though you can’t be sure that she heard you and your Dad , she did hear you on some level and that she will be with you always.
    Praying for u.

  284. bon bon @ Farmhouse 40 says:

    Ann, I am so sorry for the lost of your dear mother. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Hugs!!!

  285. Hugs to you and your family. I lost my mom last April. I often look up to the sky and talk to her. I believe your mom will be watching over you, too.

  286. Hello Ann
    My prayer for you is that you would know the peace of Christ which surpasses all human understanding.
    Matthew 5:4 ” Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted”

  287. I am so sorry for your loss. She was quite the beautiful woman. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family at this time.

  288. Prayers for you, your dad, and your family to comfort each of you during this difficult time and the days ahead.

  289. Ann, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. Having lost my mom three and a half years ago, I understand the emptiness you must be feeling. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss her; however, I do feel her presence with me. I pray that you will find comfort and strength from your family and friends and joy in the memories you have. Blessings.

  290. God’s Peace to you and your family~

  291. My dear sweet Ann, I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious Mother. I will pray for you and your Dad that our mighty God will give you strength, peace and comfort during this time.

  292. Judy Clark says:

    Ann – Am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom. Mothers are definitely irreplaceable!! Just know that I am praying for you and your family during this time of loss,

    Blessings to you all,

  293. Sending love and prayers to you, your family, and to your Dad.

  294. My warmest condolences to you and your family. I, too, have lost my Mom. I know the closeness love between a mother and daughter.

  295. Mrs. Ann, My thoughts and Prayers will be with you and your father this week. In a month or so go to your favorite nursery and buy the plant or tree you have always wanted but could not talk yourself into purchasing. Dedicate this thing of beauty to your mother and make sure it is in a place you can go and have thoughts, reflection or quiet time when you need her spirit. Remember to breathe and not to feel guilty if you need time for yourself these next few weeks. I wish I could give you a hug. S

  296. I am so sorry for your loss, Ann. There is something so heart-wrenching about losing someone as precious as a parent — we sort of expect (or maybe wish) that they will always be there for us. Know that your blog friends are holding you close to our hearts and lifting you and your Dad up in prayers for comfort and peace as your walk this difficult grief path. Take all the time you need to heal and restore your spirit, and know your faithful followers will be here when you’re ready. Blessings & peace to you, your Dad, and those who so loved your Mom.

  297. So sorry for your loss Ann, moms are very special people and we are a reflection of their love for us. I lost my mom when I was 32. I am 68 now and still wish I could ask her for just the way she made her apple dumplings or what did she use to get a stain out and a million other things.
    We are okay and work through our grief but we are never the same.
    My condolences to you and your dad…

  298. Belionda Locklear says:

    My prayers are with you.

  299. Losing a parent is so very, very hard and I send you my sincerest sympathies. Mine are both gone now, with Mom passing a couple years ago. You are so right, it doesn’t get “better”, but it becomes a “new normal” — one that I promise you, you can live with and enjoy. She will live through you and your memories of her. I hope that once in a while, you can share a story of her with us — maybe something she did to inspire the wonderful creativity you share with us.

  300. Debbie Anthony says:

    So sorry! Prayers!

  301. So sorry for you and your family. You remain in my thoughts and prayers as you mourn your loss. This beautiful woman inside and outside will always be in your hearts.

  302. TheLittleRedHairedGirl says:

    Dear Ann, my heart goes out to you. Your mom was such a beautiful woman. I’m sure she heard you and were comforted you were there. Mother loss is by far the most difficult. My dear Mother passed 7 years today. There isn’t one minute of one day I don’t miss her. With sympathy.

  303. Joann Redding says:

    So Sorry for your loss. Prayers and blessings sent your way for you and your family.

  304. I’m so sorry for your loss. Am praying for you.

  305. Nancy Hamilton says:

    Dear Ann,

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Please take all the time you need. God gave me just the good times for memories when my Mom went to be with the Lord. That’s God…. Praying for you and your Daddy for your comfort and peace.

  306. So sorry to hear about your mom. Praying for you and your family.

  307. Ricki Jill Treleaven says:

    What a beautiful lady. I appreciate your posting the lovely photo of your mom. A very thoughtful and sweet tribute to your mother, Ann. I am so sorry for your loss, and I will be praying that the Holy Spirit will comfort you and your family.

    Ricki Jill

  308. I am so sorry for your loss. May you find peace and comfort with all the memories you have of your mother. Sending prayers to you and all of your family.

  309. My prayers are with you, Ann. Your mother was so beautiful, and I see her in you.

  310. Ann, I am so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. May you find comfort in your memories of your her. Blessings.

  311. Patti Richer says:

    I am so sorry Ann. I too lost my mom recently and I know your pain. I will keep you in my prayers. Give yourself time to heal and comfort yourself with all the wonderful memories of your mom

  312. Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. Our family is going through this as our Mom passed October 3rd. There are sad times when you realize she won’t be making her daily call to you. There are sad times when you want to call and ask about a recipe, etc. Then there are the happy thoughts about something from the past. It is a hard time but we are so blessed to have had such love in our lives. Many have never experienced what we have. We are blessed. Prayers for your family.

  313. Alice Austin says:

    God bless you in these days. I, too, lost my mom a year ago. I was fortunate to make it to California where she past away less than a week later. May you have many happy memories that will bring a smile to your face and keep away the tears. It is tough,I know, I can think of things to write to her (she was deaf) about, things that she would like, etc. No matter where you turn, things just remind you of her. I pray for your dad, that he too will find peace in their happy memories of being together.

  314. I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. I’ve said a prayer for comfort and peace. Take all the time you need, we will still be here.

  315. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. Take time to process everything. Prayers and blessing to you and your family.

  316. Anne, My heart breaks for you in your loss. There is a void in our hearts that can never heal when we lose that precious mother that God blessed us with. I too took care of my mom during her illness, I am forever thankful for my mom, miss her terribly, but, always have such tremendous loving funny crazy memories with the one person who made me into the lady I am today. May God be with you and your dad.

  317. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that the many happy memories you have of your mother will lessen your grief in the coming days and months. I wish you peace.

  318. Thank you for sharing something so personal. It must have been very difficult. My thoughts and prayers are with you now. Take good care of yourself!

  319. I am so sorry for your loss. Please give yourself time to heal. Mom will always be with in your thoughts and such wonderful memories in your heart.

  320. So sorry for your loss. Remember all the good times & share them with your dad & friends. This is what helped me the most when I lost my mother. Take care.

  321. Laura Moore says:

    Hi, Ann. I am new to the sublimation world and have just found your beautiful art. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your Mom. I, too, have taken care of my precious Mom in her last days and experienced the pain..and yet the relief that she is no longer suffering. I just sent prayers up from Olive Branch, Mississippi for you and your Dad. May each of you feel the comforting arms of Jesus Christ at this time.
    Laura Moore

  322. so sorry for the loss of your mother in this life. i know you will see her again one day. wishing you peace and comfort and sweet memories to wrap your heart in…


  324. Ann, As I read through some of the many, many posts sent to you this morning, my prayer is that you will find comfort from knowing how many hearts you have touched through your blog and how many prayers are being lifted up for you and your family. Please take all the time you need to grieve – you will know when it is time to come back. Your followers all love and care about you and we will be here when you return. God’s blessings.

  325. Marlene Stephenson says:

    I am truly sorry for you but,now she is with the Lord and pain free, i told myself these words lots of times after my mom died and it is what would get me through those times,that i missed her so terribly. Praying for you and your father.

  326. Annette Casanova says:

    So very sorry for your loss. May you and your family feel the love of the Lord surrounding you during this time. My heart breaks for you.

  327. KittyLuvr says:

    I am so sorry to learn of your mother’s passing. I know your heart is heavy and your concern for your dad is very real but I pray that God will put His comforting arms around you and ease your paid, ease your sorrow and flood your mine and heart with happy memories of your time together.

  328. Pat@ Life At Lydias House says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. My prayer is that you will be comforted and find peace in the days ahead.

  329. Evelyn de Morales says:

    Honestly I ‘m sorry about your mother , trust in God, who will give you all the strength you need , you have your father , love him

  330. Jami @An Oregon Cottage says:

    Oh Ann! While I of course am SO sorry for you and your family in this time of loss, I am also touched by your sharing, your attitude, and the fact that your moms passing was peaceful. You’ve been in my prayers, friend, and will continue to be so as you navigate through this time. xo

  331. Phyllis Pych says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Trust in God to get you and your Dad thru this painful time.

    Your Mom may not be here physically but her love is still with you. It’s a part of you.

  332. May you and your family find comfort in each other. I am very sorry to hear about your moms passing. Sending you big hugs & prayers.
    (extra big hugs!!!!)

  333. My very deepest condolences. I hope both you and your father can find peace in knowing you helped your mother exit this world in surrounded by those she cared for most and in a place of comfort and familiarity. As difficult as this present time is, know that you gave her one last beautiful gift. My prayers for you.

  334. My heart aches for you. Yes, your mother heard you and your father, and I am confident she knows how much she was loved by you both. Take all the time you need. We will all be praying for you and your family, and will be right here whenever you feel comfortable returning. Much love!

  335. my thots and prayers are with you and your family. losing your Mom is very hard, but you are right to think about all the good memories from having a good mom, and be grateful for that. it gets better after a few months…

  336. Pamela Wood says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Time such as this are always difficult. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. May the stars be warm, the fruit be plentiful and her beauty remain with you always.

  337. BARBARA VANCE says:


  338. Ann, please be assured that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Trust God to carry you through this difficult time in your life. By the way, I’ve heard that people can hear sometimes even in a coma, so I feel certain your Mom heard your loving words. Don’t feel guilty about taking some time off to “cocoon” with your family as you grieve together. You need rest and time to heal.

  339. Debbie Esparza says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in your fond memories, love of family and friends. I truly believe that though your mom could not speak, she heard every word spoken. Prayers of comfort to you and your dad.

  340. I am so sorry for your loss. I do believe your mom could hear you and your dad. When my father was passing away, our pastor told us to say everything we wanted to say. He told us that when someone passes away, their hearing is the last of the senses to fade. I wish you and your family peace.

  341. Sheran Steading says:

    How beautiful she was. I am sorry, Ann, but concentrate on the good years. You had her far longer than I had anyone in my family. You will always miss her, but it will be better. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad. It will be hard for him.

  342. So sorry to hear this heart breaking news. You are in my thoughts and prayers, as is your dad.

  343. Jill Jones says:

    Good morning, Ann. Opened my inbox and received the sad news on the loss of your mother. She was so beautiful and you look just like her :) You are consistently a bright light in the blog world and I’m sure you were in your mother’s life as well. Please take care and know that many positive and supportive thoughts are being sent your family’s way.

  344. I’m sorry for your loss. I am going through the same, my 93 year old Mom passed away Friday and the funeral is Wednesday. My 95 year old Dad and I stayed with her in hospital, peaceful and quick.
    I will pray that you have the strength needed for the next days.

  345. Robin Nathanson says:

    Thoughts and prayers, love and light, are with you and your family.

  346. So sorry for your loss. My mom passed 7 months ago. Waves of emotions still come. Take as much time as you need. We will still be here.

  347. Sincere condolences regarding the loss of your mother to you and your father. Wishing you peace and comfort with the help of your faith and the knowledge that you did all that you could.

  348. Cindy Sandoval says:

    I am so sorry…I know only to well how you are feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this season of your life.

  349. These times are so very hard and the waves come and go. Praying for your family to have peace and strength in the days ahead. God bless you all.

  350. I am very sorry for your loss, Ann. Having lost my own mother in the same way almost three years ago, I can understand what you have been through. My mom received hospice care in my home the last months of her life. I miss her every day, but feel she is with me as I have so many reminders of her from the things she sewed and crocheted for me, her personal belongings, and gifts she gave me through the years. But most of all I have my memories of her. I hope you find peace in the memories of your mom too. Take the time you need,, I look forward to your inspiration in the coming days (or weeks).

  351. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

  352. So sorry about your loss.

  353. Lisa Richardson says:

    Ann, so terribly sorry for your loss. I know your heart aches. Prayers for you in the days ahead.

  354. I am so sorry for your loss. There is no earthly love like a mother’s love . . . but God can heal your heart and give you peace. He loves you even more than she did. Prayers for you and your family.

  355. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father. I lost my dad March 2, 2015. It is such an overwhelming sadness. We all grieve differently so be kind to yourself and allow yourself to work through those emotions.

  356. Carole Strawn says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is really hard to lose our mothers. Take all the time that you need to mourn this loss. It takes however long it takes. Eventually you’ll be able to remember her with a smile and without the pain. I love the picture of your Mom. She was really beautiful and you look so much like her. Sending you virtual hugs and wishing you comfort in the days to come.

  357. So, so very sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. Please don’t worry about your blog – just take time to grieve and reflect on what a blessing she was and will continue to be in your life.

  358. Vicki crandall says:

    I am so sorry for your loss! I understand I loss my mom 3 weeks ago. I hope that you can find comfort in your memories of the good times you shared. I will keep you in my prayers.

  359. Ann, I am so sorry for your loss! I am going through similar times with my own Mother right now. It can be so exhausting but yet I thank God for letting me be here for her- just as you were able to help your Mom. I’m sure you were a wonderful daughter and she loved you very much! Know that my thoughts and prayers go out to your family! God Bless, Cindy

  360. My deepest condolences to you Ann. When I lost my mother I felt like all our shared memories were vanquished in a nano second because I no longer had her to revisit those experiences with… Losing our mom can leave a big hole in our heart. Embrace your father for however long you have left and know you are loved by many. And be assured, she heard you words and felt your love to the very end.

  361. Judi Skeen says:


    There are no words at this time. My mom has been gone for years and I still feel the loss. You, your dad and your family are in my prayers. God Bless you and yours at this time.


  362. I am so sorry for the passing of your dear mother. May you and your father be comforted by sweet memories

  363. Patty Daniel says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss, Ann. I recently lost my Dad and those feelings of sadness are so great. I do know that with time the pain eases and is replaced with the wonderful memories we hold close to our heart. The tears will come and go throughout your life, and that’s as it should be. May the Lord bless you in the coming days, that you and your family can feel His great love and the peace and comfort only He can give.

  364. Dear Ann, So sorry to hear about your Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time of mourning. Wishing you strength, peace and happy memories for the coming days and weeks. May you feel God’s comfort each day.

  365. So sorry to hear about your Mom. Cherish your memories of her

  366. bambi (Mary) arredondo says:

    Ann and family,
    I’m so sorried for your loss. All those memories through the years will keep your mom alive in your heart & soul. Losing a parent at times is bitter sweet for some of us.You want them to live but the their quality of life is gone.
    Take all the time you need we will be here when you are ready to return.????

  367. I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies are with you and your family. May the good Lord wrap his loving arms around you and may you rest in his gentle love. When you are ready to come back we’ll be here for you.

  368. My sincere condolences for your loss. So very sorry about your beautiful mother’s passing.

  369. Oh Ann – my deepest sympathies and prayers to you and all your family. Your Mom was a beautiful woman and I’m sure you have countless beautiful memories to comfort you during this difficult time. I remember when my Mom passed 2 1/2 years ago I felt like an orphan even though I’m in my 50’s. You will get to your new normal with your positive thoughts and actions and no worries…..your Mom absolutely did hear you and your Dad when you talked to her…..her soul knew and that is the mystery of life which reminds us we are not just our physical bodies.

  370. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is so difficult. Prayers for you and your family.

  371. You, your father, and entire family are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying you find peace and calm and that your sweet memories will help sustain you through the coming days and weeks. I will patiently wait for your return, take all the time you need, Ann.

  372. Praying God’s peace that passes all understanding for you and you Dad. Such a bitter- sweet time. God bless you and comfort you.

  373. Thoughts and prayers are with you!

  374. Sabrina Kapp says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. My own mother left us in ’99 and while we had time to prepare, and were with her for a very peaceful end, the loss is still profound. May your heart be comforted by beautiful memories, and may peace find its way back to you in the coming days and weeks.

  375. Debra Burgin says:

    My sincerest sympathy to you and your family. I pray that God will give you peace, healing, and deep joy.

  376. Melba Hanska says:

    Ann, I am truly sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose one’s parent, and your path has been made even more difficult because you have to be so strong for your Father. My prayers for you and your Dad will be for strength and courage as you go through the days ahead.
    Melba Hanska

  377. Ann Smith says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. i remember when my mother passed away. I will surely be praying for you and your father and all who loved your mother. It will take time to work through the sadness but with the Lord’s help you will come through.

  378. Ann, thank you for sharing with us. Praying God’s grace will abound to your family as you move forward each day.


  379. My prayers are with you at your loss. God Bless

  380. I pray for peace and comfort for you, your Dad, and your family. Memories of our loved ones are a great gift at times like this. May you find joy in hearing those stories as you go through this tough week and beyond.

  381. Ann, I have never posted on your blog before but have been following your blog for a while. I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. I wrap you, your dad and your family in prayers that God will comfort you and lead you to that new normal.
    My mother just turned 101 and while I can’t imagine her gone; she can’t see, can’t hear, can’t stand or walk and fortunately has dementia, so has little quality of life. I say fortunately has dementia because she is blissfully unaware that my sister is dying of stage IV ovarian cancer and to know that would break her heart. She has lived without my dad, who died at our family’s Christmas dinner table 27 years ago. I don’t believe God gives us more than we can handle, but He does test us.
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  382. Sending prayers that Jesus surrounds you with his comfort to sustain you, your dad, and your family through the days to come. May He lift your heads and hearts with peace. *hugs* Karen

  383. Oh, I am so sorry, there are just no words. Please take all the time you need to refresh and know that we will all be here when you return. Wishing you, your father and family peace and hope at this extremely difficult and painful time.

  384. I don’t know what it’s like to lose someone close to me. I can’t imagine the pain or sorrow or what it’s like to think about tomorrow. I do know that it takes time to heal…a lot of time. You might hear a song that reminds you of her, or the scent of her favorite perfume will find it’s way to you, you might even see someone at a distant that looks like her only to find it’s someone else. You will cry and cry often but when your eyes can’t cry another tear, when your heart has mended and when you can think of your mom without sorrow….then you’re ready for tomorrow. Take your time and let yourself heal and we’ll see you when you are ready.

  385. Dianne Maxwell says:

    Ann, God is closest to us when we grieve. Please take the time to grieve and let go. The grieving period for Moses was one month. So God feels it is important to go through that process of healing and letting go. Jesus will be with you. Give all your concerns for your Dad to him and He will look after your father and you as well. Take the time to refresh and renew. My prayers are with you, your Dad and your family. Your Mom is always with you in your heart. May God give you a fresh knowledge of Him and see His hand working on your behalf.

  386. I always read and enjoy your posts but I never comment. However, today I must let you know that I will be lifting you and your family up in prayer. May our Savior give you His perfect peace and comfort. Martha

  387. Susan Totten says:

    So sorry, Ann, for your loss. I lost my mother, who was also born in 1933, to cancer 3 years ago. I still at times, for a split second, think ” I have to call mom and tell her such n such” and then in another second quickly remember she’s not here. Now I think of all her beautiful wonderful things that made her my mom and smile, but there are also moments where i cry because I just miss her. I’ll pray for you and your Dad, For comfort and peace.

  388. Lisa Cudd says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you, your dad, and your family in my heart and prayers.
    God bless.

  389. Ann- So very sorry for the loss of your Mother. Prayers for you, your Dad, and your entire family.

  390. Marijean Jenson says:

    So sorry for your loss. My sister an I have been going through a lot in the p