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A list of 10 ways to beat the winter blues that are simple & that really work. Easy ideas to make the winter months more enjoyable…no matter where you live!

The winter months can be brutal…and this year, in 2025, we are coping with gray days, cold weather, and persistent storms that make venturing outside a challenge. No matter who you are or where you live, there are going to be days when you wish winter was behind you. The “winter blues” descend on me every year, and this year is no different. If you are the same, I’ve shared some ways below to make life easier.

Begin With Breakfast
Begin your day with a good breakfast. I know you have heard this a million times, but it’s so important. A nutritious breakfast not only fuels your body, but also sets the tone for a productive and energetic day. I am a firm believer that when the day begins on a positive note, it continues that way. Two of my favorite ways to start the day are with this banana oatmeal smoothie, which is packed with fiber and natural sweetness, or these easy bran muffins, which are perfect for a grab-and-go option. Pair either with a cup of coffee or herbal tea, and you’ll be ready to take on whatever comes your way.

Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated just makes you feel better, and you will be less likely to give into the winter blues. Drink plenty of water…and don’t forget to hydrate your skin. Dry, flaky skin is uncomfortable, and you can avoid it by using a light body lotion. When I skip the lotion in the morning, I have an edgy feeling all day. My favorite lotion is plain old original scent Jergens. I know it’s not very glamorous, but it smells good, and feels even better.

Let In The Light
Shorter days and dark skies can definitely make us gloomy. Combat those feelings by letting in the light. Here are a few ways to brighten your perspective:
- Open the curtains, blinds, or shutters all the way. (And ignore the dirty windows!)
- Turn on lamps.
- Light candles.
- Add Vitamin D to your daily routine.

Treat Yourself to Fresh Flowers
I believe that fresh flowers can transform a room…and they can definitely transform your day. Treat yourself to a bunch of flowers every now and then. I promise it will make you smile.

Declutter & Clean
Our possessions can sometimes feel overwhelming, leaving us with a sense of chaos rather than comfort. When clutter takes over, it can be hard to relax and truly enjoy our homes. If you’ve been tackling the clutter and getting organized, celebrate that progress! But if you’re feeling stuck or unsure where to begin, don’t worry—it’s never too late to take control. The hardest part of any project is often just starting. Begin with something manageable, like clearing out a single drawer or organizing one kitchen cabinet. Small victories build momentum, and before you know it, the sense of calm and order you’ve created will inspire you to keep going.

Beat the Winter Blues with Essential Oils
I believe in the power of essential oils. I believe they can improve our quality of life. My kids call them my “potions,” and I know the actual science explaining their benefits can be hard to understand. The honest truth is that I don’t even know the actual science behind them. All I know is that they help me feel better. Peppermint takes away aches and pains, Mind Alive refreshes and makes you feel more alert. Lavender relaxes you, and Lemon is a lovely addition to bottled or tap water. All of these things have the potential to help you get through a gloomy, winter day.

Take Time For Yourself & Exercise
These two tips go hand in hand, and if I had to name two of my biggest struggles in life, they would be carving out time for myself and staying consistent with exercise. I know how vital exercise is for my health, and I understand that taking time for myself not only benefits me, but also those around me. While I go through phases of doing well with both, I inevitably fall back into old habits. Life’s challenges and constant demands can make prioritizing self-care feel almost impossible. Adjusting to new routines and added stress has only made finding “me time” even more difficult—but it’s a reminder that these small acts of self-investment are more important than ever.

Here’s the thing though…because of all of that, it’s more important than ever to take time for yourself. Exercise would, of course, be wonderful…but if that’s not always possible, escape to your room and watch a show on your iPad, or read a book. If it relaxes you to be in your kitchen, plan a bread-baking afternoon, or make a special dinner. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter what you do, but do something for yourself. Make sure it’s something that you love, and something that will help you face another day.

Stay Connected
Nothing lifts my spirits more than when I get a text message from my kids, or a phone call from a friend. Staying connected to our family and friends is a vital part of maintaining our mental health, especially when we feel isolated. If you are feeling blue or lonely, just reach out. Send a text or email, or pick up the phone. The simple act of connecting with another human being will lift your spirits, and make getting through the day much easier.

Grant Yourself Grace
I recently came across the notion that granting yourself grace is just making excuses. I completely disagree—and here’s why. Grace is about forgiving ourselves for mistakes and extending to ourselves the same kindness we freely give to others. It’s about acknowledging our humanity, and accepting our imperfections. So, if you have a bad day or even a bad week, remember you’re not alone. Grant yourself grace, and focus on doing better moving forward. We can’t expect more from ourselves than that.
The information contained here is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent illness or disease. The information represents what I have chosen to do to take charge of my own personal physical and mental health. Information found on this site is meant for informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health and well being-decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your healthcare provider. It should not be relied upon to determine a medical diagnosis, or courses of treatment.

Thank you!
Great ideas! One question about the peppermint – do you use it in a difuser, drink it, or rub it into achy joints?
Hi Mary…I use it like a salve. I rub it on my back, legs, feet, and even my temples when I have a headache. I also put one drop on my tongue if I have an upset stomach. It doesn’t taste very good, but it usually helps. It also works well to rub a few drops on your chest when you have a cold. I couldn’t live without it!
Jergens original scent, it takes me back to thoughts of my mother! I’ll look into your other suggestion also!
Love your blog so much! Thank you for taking the time to write these up. I have used so many of your ideas and recipes!
Such a wonderful “winter” post today, Ann! You are such a blessing! Have a great week!
Thank you Ann for such positive ideas for brightening our winter days! I plan to give some of them a try! Your blog is one of my favorites. Enjoy your day and again, thank you❤️
Grant yourself grace, what an important message.
I always have fresh flowers bought from local grocery stores in my home. I purchase 2 or 3 inexpensive bouquets and arrange them in two tall vases & a smaller vase. That way I can have them in more than one room. They last about two weeks with preservatives added.
I enjoy a cup of tea or latte during the day and of course always a great mystery book is at my side ready to read!
I bought several kinds of inexpensive tiny white lights wrapped around topiary trees in my foyer and use battery operated candles throughout my home. This brightens and warms up my home as well! Happy Winter! ˚⛄.❅
Very nice ideas to counteract the winter blues. I enjoyed them and will put some of them right into practice. Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait for Spring!
All of these suggestions are wonderful – I do them all! I think everyone has a project they have been putting off. Right now I am working on a project that I have put off for 2 years. We had a beautiful Ethan Allen hutch for many years – the top looked more colonial than the transitional style we favor now. I eliminated the big top and had planned on painting the bottom portion and put on new hardware. It is a big focal point in our kitchen. I started prepping it last weekend, and I plan on having the project completed in the next 14 days. I will be picking up paint samples tomorrow, something in an uplifting blue. I have also just ordered a custom Roman blind for my kitchen. I’m excited about both projects, and they aren’t costing a ton of money. Another suggestion is one my husband and I just did together – he is a non-cook, but he loves stuffed shells. We made homemade ricotta and sauce and had a great dinner that he had made with my help, as well as put two dinners in the freezer. We did this one snowy day, put on music, and had a glass of wine. Simple pleasures are the best.
I must be in the minority. I love winter and all of the excuses it gives me to just stay inside, snuggle, layer up, cook, read and enjoy crafts. I hate hot weather so fall and winter suit me perfectly. However, I enjoyed all of your suggestions for self care and they seem to be a good idea no matter the season. I have spent the last several weeks packing up what I refer to as my winter décor, because I make sure it is not so “Christmasy” that it can’t stay up almost until Valentine’s Day, and replacing it with more spring-like décor, including three faux fern pots, with only a touch of Valentine’s Day that can quickly be removed after Friday. I don’t like primary colors so the red of Valentine’s Day presents a real issue. I’ve got a bit in my kitchen, but went more toward maroon and green in a floral arrangement I made for the hallway outside my apartment that seems to be receiving some positive comments. It all keeps me busy and although we have received about 18 inches of fresh snow in the last week or so, the sun is shining brightly over the Rocky Mountain foothills and I think it will be in the mid-30s today so I may just have to bundle up and go play in the snow.
I am right there with you. Fall and winter are my two favorite seasons. I don’t remember what country it comes from but there is a saying about winter: There is no bad weather, only bad clothing. I love a walk while it’s snowing. Magical.
Ann, thank you so much for this timely post. We are battening down on the coast of NC for yet another winter blow. Thanks for the pep talk!! I always look forward to your posts but this one was just what I needed today. :)
Excellent ideas Ann. I especially like the get away to a warm place!! That’s not going to happen, but having fresh flowers, scented candles and cozy throws around always brightens my mood. I’m a tennis player so getting out on the courts is my way to get exercise and feel invigorated. Unfortunately, today is raining and cloudy so no tennis. I love the idea of trying essential oils. Again, thank you for the suggestions.
I’ll just throw this out there because I’m a regular with your blog. I’ve been using the Body Groove CD’s for the past month and have noticed a big difference in my attitude and general mood. These CD dance like moves that are suitable for all ages. They are fairly inexpensive and convenient to use in your own home. But most of all I find them fun. They are floating all around Facebook right now so you might have seen them. I don’t work for them or anything like that. I’m just a gal that has been using them and likes it, so I thought I would pass it on. Your ideas here are wonderful. Especially the calming oil. I might give that a try.
Thank you for this blog. You have a serene and calm way of presenting good life choices. I am grateful to you for this message of self care and ways to improve gray days. This time of year can be a struggle to get out and move, for me. You are a blessing!
This email was perfect timing! I have been suffering the winter blues. I will be brewing a cup of tea today!
Everyone of your tips is wonderful – Thank you! I use a diffuser with lemon or peppermint oil at my desk, and keep fresh flowers as often as I can. I attend a yoga class on Saturday mornings, I stretch while watching Classical Stretch in the evenings and they have all improved my health and mood. The days are longer now and I heard a bird singing this morning, so Spring is just around the corner.
Adding a few pieces of Spring dinnerware and linens to the dining room table helps add some brightness to the room for me. Also lets me do a bit of purging in the area that I keep dishes.
Beautifully written!!! Thanks for so many good tips!
I agree that fresh flowers especially yellow tulips lift my spirits at the time of year where it seems winter will never end. Thanks for all your great ideas . My crocus and a few daffodils are blooming so spring can’t be far behind. Here in N.C. we have had endless rain and may need an ark if it doesn’t let up!
Well, at first I was going to just scan—your post. But, there are some really worthwhile ideas here. I’ve always looked at January as vacation time—and time to rejuvenate my brain, my home, my direction. As an artist, I always took January off to do all those things—take in some museums, do some retail window shopping, and when I had a business– to attend trade shows. So, now that I’m retired—your suggestions just reminded me of what January is really for—a new beginning and a time to look forward! Thanks for the great post. Sandi
Ann, yours is my favorite blog, and when you said your favorite lotion was original scented Jergens, I knew we were sisters. Thanks so much for these ideas and oh, so many others! You’re great!
I love your blog! It is always filled with beautiful decor and decorating ideas, printables that I love and healthy, happy suggestions to make life a little bit more beautiful. Such a pleasure to open up your emails daily.
Greetings from the Lone Star State, Ann,
As a native Buckeye, w/family still there, I can relate to those ‘winter blues’. For me, they take the form of post-holiday letdown. Company gone, parties over, my home feeling a bit naked after all the glitter and bright Xmas colors, so your email was especially timely. I’m following your tips about self-care and small projects. I’m especially thankful for not feeling alone in my ‘blah’s’ and for your beautiful blue tea cup pictures. Downloading ASAP!
Wishing you a week of sunshiney skies,
I have lived my whole life in the northeast,the gloomy winter days are behind me now having moved to the sunshine state.Since taking down the Christmas decorations,I have been decluttering and repurposing items in my home with a new coat of paint,I love small projects and the feeling of less is more.I appreciate all your tips and hope you have a mild winter with more sun than clouds !!
Thank you for your simple yet practical suggestions!
Ann, I have never actually followed a blog before until now. (so many are just full of themselves) Yours is refreshing, informative, and I really enjoy reading it . Love your craft ideas and printables too.
Have been using Jergens Original Scent for years and love it. It works!
Bought a small bunch of white Alstromeria at the grocery store yesterday and after conditioning them divided them into 3 boquets. Two were put into small mercury cases and put up on my mantle and the third bunch used for making a vignette on my kitchen counter with a bowl of little oranges and a white lantern with a snowflake cutout. Little cost but major effect! Having a winter storm today so will stay inside and get that cup of tea and a good book. Thanks Ann for all your lovely ideas for our homes.
Fall and winter are my favorite months so I love winter – those grey, dreary, rainy, Cold days make me especially happy and content. I’m an upbeat type person , my glass is always three fourths full. I do enjoy my tea several times a day – I feel Alive and Rejuvenated this time of year – wish All of you did.
Thank you, Daisy! Those dreary days that provide an opportunity to stay inside with a good book and a cup of tea should make us content.
Love all your suggestions. We are lucky enough to get more sun than in the northern areas but the cold wind is our killer. Fresh flowers and tea. Earl Gray, please. Have a Starbucks London Fog.
Strong Earl Gray, vanilla syrup and a dash of whole milk. My next step is to download your ‘Cup of Tea’ to couple it with. Warm hugs to you.