Indoor Herb Gardening in the Kitchen

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Indoor herb gardening is easy! Add fresh herbs to your kitchen in no time by filling a trio of small pots. An easy way to have herbs at your fingertips!

3 pots of fresh herbs on tray in kitchen

About this time every year, I get the itch to work outside.

To get my hands dirty.

To clean up my yard and landscaping.

To figure out if any plants need replaced, and dream about the new ones I want to try.

Especially this year. Now that we’ve moved, and our outside spaces are still new to us, it will be even more fun to figure out how to make them beautiful. (The images in this post feature our kitchen on Sutton Place.) The problem is that here in Ohio, it’s just a bit too early for any of that. There’s no snow on the ground, but there is plenty of winter left. So I brought fresh herbs into the kitchen by planting little pots, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting my fingers in the dirt.

3 pots of fresh herbs on kitchen counter

*Affiliate links included. See my disclosure statement.

Materials Needed for Growing Herbs

parsley in small pot on kitchen counter

Herbs That Successfully Grow Indoors

  • Mint
  • Basil
  • Rosemary
  • Chives
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Parsley
  • Lemon Balm
  • Cilantro
rosemary parsley mint in pots on kitchen counter

Finding The Plants

I was planning to go to a local nursery or Lowe’s to purchase herb plants, but was able to find bare root fresh herbs at my grocery store in the produce section. The plants are quite small, and the parsley wants to flop over, but I love this little herb garden all the same.


It took about five minutes to place the herbs into the little pots. There are drainage holes in the bottom of the pots, but just to make sure they had good drainage, I placed a small pile of pebbles in each pot before adding the soil. To water the pots, I simply place them in my sink, spray them lightly, and let them drain. In no time you’ll be harvesting your herbs to add delightful flavor and taste to your favorite dishes.

parsley and mint in pots

Container Ideas

Fresh herbs in the kitchen help to hurry spring along, and they add fresh greenery to your counter or windowsill. Any containers you happen to have on hand will work. Mason jars, terra cotta clay pots, colanders, large coffee mugs, baskets, tin cans, or even small bowls. Just make sure to add pebbles to the bottom of your containers for adequate drainage, especially if there are no holes. That way your herb roots won’t rot.

Free Printable Herb Markers

Would you like free printable markers for your kitchen herb garden? These cute little tags can be added to your containers with a clothespin, or attach the tags to a string, and tie them on your pots.

fresh rosemary in white pot

Propagating Herbs

If you can’t find herb plants, it’s easy to propagate herbs from stems.

  • Just buy fresh, cut herbs at the grocery store. (Basil and mint are especially easy to propagate.)
  • Pick out 4 or 5 nice herb stems.
  • Strip the bottom half of any leaves, and give the ends a fresh cut.
  • Place the stems in a jar of water.
  • In two to three weeks, the stems will have new growth at the roots, and they can be planted in potting soil.
  • It’s a good idea to change the water every few days, and place the jar in a sunny spot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do indoor herb gardens really work?

Yes…and they are very low maintenance. Just provide adequate but not too much moisture, good air circulation, several hours of sun per day, and try to keep pests away.

How long does an indoor herb garden last?

In my experience, they last a few months. I start an indoor herb garden in the very early spring, and as soon as there is no chance of frost, I move the herbs outdoors.

What is the best way to grow indoor herbs?

  • Follow the directions in this post!
  • Use a grow light.
  • Invest in an AeroGarden. You can grow microgreens, vegetables, lavender, tomatoes, and herbs. (If I had more counter space, I would definitely get one!)
  • Use an indoor herb garden starter kit. Starter kits supply everything you need to get an herb garden planted and growing in no time.
  • Set your pots in saucers of water and place them in a sunny windowsill.

Does an indoor garden of herbs need fertilizer?

Yes! Indoor herb gardens will greatly appreciate the boost and nutrients a few applications of indoor fertilizer will give them.

More ideas for adding fresh herbs to your kitchen!

I hope the sun is shining where you are, and that your day is filled with only good things. Until next time…

subscribe basket of lavender

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  1. Cathy McK says:

    Do you have any advice about keeping those little gnats away from your indoor plants? I keep trying to grow herbs inside, but those pesky little things keep coming back.
    Thank you

  2. beth byrd says:

    Oooh … I live in Ohio, too! What a great idea!

    I’m new to your blog and looking forward to reading your posts!

  3. I have some herbs in my kitchen window in cute little blue and white pots. Even started leeks from grocery store in a mason jar. So ready for spring.🌸

  4. Tracy Cook says:

    DearAnn thank you for reminding me about this. Just as an add on it works well growing from seed on the windowsill and come mid spring they’re ready to go outside. If it ever warms up here in Shropshire.

  5. Hi Ann, I love your little kitchen herb garden. I’m going to give it a try! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Nice fix for the gardening itch while waiting for winters end
    Great tip on the propagation. Never thought to try it with herbs!

  7. Debra Funkhouser says:

    Hi Ann. I am the same! I’ve been evaluating the flower beds and trying to decide what to replace this year. Did a little weeding this morning, and added some mulch here and there. We are in Texas, so it’s almost time to get really busy. My husband loves being outside as well and is a great gardening partner. Can’t think of a hobby I could live more!

  8. Thanks for the great idea Ann. Yes, the cold temps in Michigan delay any planting yet. Will love seeing the little green plants in my kitchen.

  9. I bought my first basil plant last week, so your post is timely for me. Now I’m anxious to get back to the store for more. Thank you for every post; I love reading them.