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Watercolor Printable Series of Flowers. Use for DIY wall art, cards, banners, screensavers & more. Free high resolution digital downloads.

watercolor flower herb printables free digital downloads 2021

One of my ongoing tasks is organizing all the free printables that are available here so they are easier to access. Some are easy to find, but others have not seen the light of day for years. Links are spread out, and I think it would be beneficial to all of us to have a little more order. I’ve started with this Watercolor Printable Series of Flowers. There are 12 high resolution watercolor images that can be used for a variety of DIY projects. This series began back in 2014 with the fall-inspired printables of the mums, sunflowers, and black-eyed Susans. The tulips came the following spring, and then the series took off from there.

Watercolor Printable Series Flowers & Herbs | use for DIY wall art, cards, banners, screensavers & more. Free high resolution digital downloads.

Every single printable image is 100% original and cannot be found anyplace else. I style the arrangements, take the photographs, and then digitally transform them into watercolors. One of my favorite parts of styling the arrangements is deciding what sort of vessel to use. I’m sure you can tell that mason jars are a favorite of mine, so I hope that you love them too.

take a breath framed 600

This artwork can be easily sized when you click to print. Just choose 5 x 7, 8 x 10, etc. One option which I love is to print as 5 x 7’s, and use 11 x 14 frames with a mat that has a 5 x 7 opening. If you didn’t want to use a mat, you could print them as an 8.5  x 11 and they would fit nicely into an 8 x 10 frame. An 8.5 x 11  printable would also fit beautifully into an 11 x 14 frame with an 8.5 x 11 mat.

*Some links lead to websites where I am an affiliate. Click HERE for my disclosure statement.

Please let me know if you have any questions or have issues with downloading/printing. Here are a few tips:

  • I highly recommend that you install Adobe Acrobat Reader to access your PDF files. It’s free and completely safe. Click HERE to access. (Make sure to uncheck the boxes for the McAfee products.) These tips should also work with any other PDF reader.
  • Download the entire PDF file to your computer hard drive. It’s a large file so it may take a few minutes.
  • Find the file and open. It should automatically open in your PDF reader.
  • Select “print” from the File command on the top menu bar or click the printer icon.
  • A window should pop up where you can make your print selections. It’s here that you can select the pages you want to print or choose to print every page.
  • Under “Page Sizing” I recommend selecting the FIT option.
  • For DIY wall art, I recommend printing on high quality cardstock.

*Current OSP subscribers should go ahead and fill out the form and I’ll send the printables right away. My email company makes sure that you don’t get duplicate subscriptions.

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straight to your email inbox.
Just fill out the form below!

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  1. Geraldine Greene says:

    Lovely prints really will help with my craft work

  2. Elizabeth Roderick says:

    I am looking forward to placing at least 3 rows (9) of these prints on a wall. The idea or textured cardstock will be beautiful in white frames. I put the new calendar up tonight. Ready or not here comes 2024!

  3. These are all lovely! Thank you for sharing. Hoping I am able to resize for display in my craft room.

  4. Danielle Buerger says:

    Good Morning Ann!

    Love the watercolors, definitely will me printing and hanging them in the studio for inspiration.

    Thank you

  5. Patricia Reed says:

    5 stars
    Beautiful work!!!

  6. Abby Jimenez says:

    5 stars
    Thank you for sharing the beautiful watercolor masterpieces. I will be printing and have them framed. Thanks again.

  7. Wheeler Gayle says:

    Good morning. I think I saw somewhere on your blog about textured card stock for the watercolor prints but I can’t find it. Do you have one you use and can recommend?

  8. 5 stars
    Strawberry ice cream was a hit. Everyone loved it! Can’t wait to try it with peaches.

  9. NINA B PRECIADO says:

    Hi Ann!
    I stumbled onto your amazing website while browsing my favorite Savvy Southern Style on Pinterest. First, let me say that I admire your ability to blog and put together this wonderful website where I can browse and dream of my next project. I particularly appreciate the printables – what a wonderful gift! Thank you for your time and talent!

  10. Thank you for sharing the beautiful sunflower watercolors. This picture is stunning and I am going to frame it; it brings a smile to my face. You are very kind to share all the wonderful printables and information that you do; I am thoroughly enjoying your blog!
    Best wishes, Sue

    1. Could you please tell me where you got the picture from in you post . It’s the metal bucket with the spring flowers in it. I really would like to have a copy.
      Thank you for your help.

      1. Ann Drake says:

        Hi Sherrie…I need a little more information so I’m sending you a separate email!

  11. Love your content and your art! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Dear Ann:

    Thank you much for your lovely printables. Wish you could add a section associated with stationery.

    Best regards!

    1. Ann Drake says:

      Hello! Do you mean printable stationery pages? I think it’s a great idea…could you give me more details? Thank you!

    2. Yep, that would be just right. I think the possibilities are unlimited: greeting cards, personal notes, gift tags, ex libris…
      Best regards!

  13. Debbie Poole says:

    Hi Ann,
    I love your blog and have used many of your designs over the years. I do have a question for you though, what is the name of the paint you used on your front door? I love that blue.
    Thank you,

  14. Such beautiful work!

  15. This watercolor series is simply lovely. Thank you for sharing!!

  16. Karolyn Love says:

    Love your site and look forward to more posts! Thank you!!

  17. Kathleen Mills says:

    Your prints are simply amazing!
    Our home burned completely to the ground in December and my husband and I are now living in a 350 sq. ft. apartment with thrifted, mismatched furniture. Your artwork is just what we need! Rays of sunshine and joy on the walls! Thank you so much for your generosity! It is amazing how a simple piece of beautiful art can uplift a home and a day!

    Thank you so much.

    1. Ann Drake says:

      Kathleen…I am so sorry. One of my best friends had her home burn last summer. She is still not back in but is handling it well. She’s very patient! I know how difficult it is…hang in there!

  18. Cookie Eddings says:

    Ann, I
    What a great idea to organize all of your printables! I love your pics. I’m planning of using about 16 of them for a large blank wall in our den.
    Thank you so much.

  19. Staci Brock says:

    I love your watercolors!!! And I so get wanting to organize!! So my thing… LOL!!! And it feels good when its done. :)

  20. I love this set of printables! Watercolor is my favorite medium and these are just my style. I’m curious and kind of confused about the process you use and wonder if you might elaborate. Did you paint the originals? If not, who is the artist? Are the original paintings for sale?

    1. Ann Drake says:

      Hi Susan…I did not paint the images. I styled the still life floral arrangements and photographed them myself. I then digitally manipulated the photographs to look like watercolors. I guess you would say that I am the original graphic artist. There are no originals for sale. Thank you for writing…Ann

      1. How interesting! That makes sense because your real flower arrangements are always so beautiful. You may not be a painter, but you ARE an artist! Thanks so much for the explanation. 😁

  21. Ann,
    Your blog is one I continue to enjoy. Thank you for sharing your life, home and talents with us all.

  22. The watercolor printables are so so pretty!!

  23. michelle doolittle says:

    So pretty!

  24. What do I think?!?! I think I wish I had enough wall or tabletop space to display each one of your beautiful printable in my home! I have so many of them from you that I switch out from season to season or simply rotate to have something beautiful and different to look at all of the time. I regularly receive compliments on the art in my home, thanks to your wonderful generosity! Thank you dear Ann!

  25. Denise Cox says:

    Love these soft watercolors to start the spring off! The ideas are flowing.
    Thanks, Ann.. 😉

  26. Norma Rolader says:

    I love love your waters color photos and yes I will be downloading Thank you

  27. Carole Thomas says:

    The printables are beautiful!!! Thanks, as always, for sharing your beautiful work.

  28. Candy Thomas says:

    I love the new watercolor printable! It is so beautiful and you are so talented! Thank you!

  29. These are beautiful, Ann. Thank you for creating and sharing them!

  30. These are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing them!

  31. Lorri Rauscher says:

    Oh my Ann…these prints of Flowers and Herbs are just so beautiful. As a gardener, I think you captured their likeness perfectly. Thank you so much..I can have a lovely print every month. 💓

  32. Please send printables. Thank You.

    1. Ann Drake says:

      The printable collection is for my email subscribers. You can join us by filling out the form in this post. Thank you!