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Easy Floral Embroidery Hoop Wreath. Make this floral wreath with an embroidery hoop and basic craft store items. An inexpensive way to dress up your door!
One of my goals for the new year is to make more of an effort to finish a job that I’ve started. I tend to get about 90% of the way through certain tasks, and then I just stop. I have no idea why, but it’s starting to get on my nerves, and I need to do better.
The day after Christmas, I took down all my decorations and packed them away in the basement. However, I didn’t put away the decorations that were on my porch. It’s been at the back of my mind for three weeks so when we recently had a nice day, I got out there and finished the job. It felt good to have Christmas completely down, but the porch looked incredibly bare and plain.
The next holiday coming up is Valentine’s Day, so I decided to make a door wreath that would work for that and early spring as well. I wanted something inexpensive and relatively fast, so I decided on this easy floral embroidery hoop wreath. I’ve seen them on Pinterest for a year or two, so I definitely did not come up with the concept myself. I did, however, put my very own spin on this project and tried to make this wreath different from others I have seen. Most are very minimal, so I decided to make mine full and colorful.
Embroidery Hoop Wreath Supplies Needed
- 18 inch Embroidery/Quilt Hoop
- 2 small floral bushes (similar choice #1) (similar choice #2)
- Wide grosgrain ribbon
- Floral wire
- Wire cutters
- Scissors
Put your embroidery hoop on a flat surface with the screw at the top. Place the swags, ends overlapping, in the middle of the screw mechanism like pictured below. Using florist wire, attach both swags to the hoop.
Fluff and separate the swags. If necessary, use more florist wire to attach the swags to the sides of the hoop. Cut a piece of ribbon about 1 1/2 yards long. (If you want the tails of your bow longer, make the ribbon piece 2 yards long.) Loop the ribbon around the hoop at the top where the swags are wired. Criss-cross the ribbon around a wreath hanger and finish off by tying a bow.
It took me longer to tie the bow than it did to attach the swags! The total cost of this project was just under $35.00. The swags were on sale for $9.99, the hoop was just over $11.00, and the ribbon was $1.99. I splurged a little on the swags, but I love the way this project turned out. I can feasibly leave this on my door for months, even though we all know I probably won’t!
If you’re wondering, I did actually hang this wreath on my front door, but we were in the middle of a snow storm so I couldn’t take pictures on the porch. Maybe when it warms up!
This is the time of year to treat yourself to something fun. It could be a bouquet of fresh flowers, a set of new pillows for your sofa, or a new wreath for your front door. It doesn’t really matter what it is, and it doesn’t have to be expensive…but treating yourself makes your heart feel just a little bit lighter. So go ahead…do something nice for yourself!
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So beautiful. You show the best wreath ideas. Your swags are so pretty with the lavender sprigs here and there. Do you recall where you found them?
So pretty for Valentines Day into spring!
I love your simple hoop wreath and I plan to create one that’s not quite so large. I normally have a small wreath hanging on the outside of my guest bathroom door so that when visitors ask to use the restroom, I tell them, “its the door down the hall with the wreath.” It gives some personality to a door that is pretty much always closed and breaks up the monotony of a plain hallway. Your wreath looks so lovely and Spring-y. I’m yearning for Spring already and it’s only early January. Sigh …..
This is absolutely stunning – both in its simplicity and gorgeousness!!! (that’s probably not a real word, but ever so appropriate!) We all need a little something special about this time of year and it really fills that need. Your wreath has the perfect colours and lushness for the upcoming Valentine’s Day, but will work throughout spring. It’s an easy, quick and beautiful project. A winner all around! Thanks so much for sharing.
Lovely! And so easy. Thank you Ann, love your posts! Now I’m off to forage in my craft supplies because I know I have all these items to make one.
Oh Ann, this is lovely! It adds a beautiful pop of spring colour to a dark and dreary winter. Just gorgeous! Sue x
Oh my, I love this wreath! I generally shy away from anything pink but, I’m ready to put this on my door. Great use for the giant embroidery hoop I have for quilting. It fits the resolution of making this my stash buster year.
I agree with you on finishes too. I made myself a promise not to purchase supplies for the next project until the last one is complete.
Thanks for all your great posts! If I was still in Ohio I’d come give you a hug!
I love the idea of reusing and repurposing. I have several old embroidery hoops just laying around taking up space. Now I know what I can do with them. Thank you Ann for the suggestion and the easy tutorial.
Everything you touch is marvelous!! Thank you for writing up a tutorial on it. Your ideas and blog encourages me to try so many things that I wouldn’t have thought of! Thanks again.
What a beauty = thanks!
Love your wreath. I was just thinking it would be nice to put something on my door to replace my Christmas wreath. Thanks. Kathryn
That is really sweet! And so simple! I like simple!
Just as an aside: Boy do I know what the not finishing what you start syndrome is like! As I’m trying to clear out and reduce I’m finding all manner of projects, etc. that have been lying unfinished for years. So don’t be too hard on yourself–I think it’s a common failing! It just means that we are multi-talented, extremely creative and probably over-extended!
Love the wreath. I have a large embroidery hoop (not sure where it came from!) that would work for this. What a great idea! This could be made to fit any season. Thanks for a wonderful and easy project!
I luv it thk you for sharing stay warm in the snow storm and once again I thk u for sharing all your ideas❤️
Awww what an adorable idea and thank you for sharing
Such a sweet wreath, Ann! Thanks for another great idea! Have a wonderful week! Blessings!
Beautiful wreath, Ann. I love that it is full and not as skimpy as others that have been posted elsewhere. Laughter and Grace to you as well!
As we fight the frigid winds and temperatures in the eastern US, this gorgeous wreath is a breath of fresh air. It brings spring indooors. The colors are beautiful and soft, and are a perfect transition into spring. Thank you for this idea. Just love your blog.
Thanks !!!
The Spring wreath it is so pretty, I can’t wait to start on mine.
I am so ready for Spring, I live in Miami and it’s 53 degrees!!!!
Off to Hobby Lobby tomorrow to get my supples.. I have to tell
you something I love of yours – your silver. I grew up with silver
and I looooove it. I use mine a lot too
Happy Spring, Ann.
Nilsa S
Love the simplicity of this projects. Just saw some hoops at our local ART supply recycling store. So fresh after all the heaviness of Christmas. Your site always gives me ideas to simplify and freshen up. thanks.
Love love love the simplicity of your floral wreath project…im ALWAYS looking out for a door wreath, especially for my mom to adorn her nursing care home door!!❤❤❤
Perfect timing for the wreath. My plan is to wrap the embroidery hoop with ribbon in addition to what you posted. Will place it in my kitchen window just as Sandi from Alabama plans to. Command hooks are so easy to use and remove later when all I want to do is look out at all the blooming plants instead of the drab winter trees and shrubs.
Love the wreath! I like the simplicity of it, along with the idea that it can hang on the door for a while as we move from one holiday/season to another.
Thanks for the idea!
Thanks for sharing this. I’ve been in the same place….not sure how to decorate the front door, especially economically. Perfect!
Great death. So easy even I will be able to do it!
I meant to say great wreath! Darn autocorrect!!!
Good Morning Ann,
My husband & I have been fighting the flu for almost 3 weeks. However, just looking at the pictures of your lovely wreath makes me happy & feel better. I’m making one for our door very soon.
Thanks for the post,
Ann, what a pretty wreath. It’s what we need now…a touch a spring!!
Love the floral wreath Ann. Just what we need now…a touch of Spring.
Love it! Will be on my way to Hobby Lobby for supplies and I love the idea of doing something useable for Spring also. Thanks for all your wonderful ideas!❤️
I usually make my own wreaths but am feeling lazy and just wanted to buy something new.This wreath is so simple and cute, maybe I will give it a try.
I love the idea of a valentine wreath.
It’s so pretty Ann. Plus it goes right into spring.
Have a wonderful day
Much love ❤️
The embroidery wreath is pretty and another good idea for spring. Thank you for sharing. Jean
Beautiful wreath! It is so feminine and “happy”. I like the fuller look of your embroidery hoop wreath. I, too, sometimes do the 90% finish on a project. It’s nice to know I am not alone, but like you, I will try to do better. Thanks for sharing!
Pinned! And sending to my daughter, too. So easy and pretty!
Thanks for brightening a cold winter day with a touch of spring!
I can identify with your goal this year of finishing jobs you started. Finish is my word for this year. I have so many projects that need to be finished! I hope I can stick to my goal.
It’s rare that I comment, but I can’t hold it in — I love the wreath and I can’t wait to make one for our home!!
I understand the snow storm – we’re under quite a bit ourselves here in Michigan! The photo on the partial open door is very creative and pleasing to the eye – a perfectly different way to capture the beauty of your creativity and the falling snow. Thanks for sharing!
I had saved an embroidery hoop I inherited from my grandmother. Now I have just the idea of what to repurpose it from you Ann. Thank you! Very pretty!
Ann, love the wreath!
I too start projects and get half way through and start another . In fact my word for this Year is commitment ….once I start something plow ahead to completion !!
Thank you for sharing and have a relaxing Sunday .
Love this wreath Ann and it’s so quick and simple! Planning a trip to Hobby Lobby in the morning and I’m looking for these beautiful swags. I think I will attach mine to a simple grapevine wreath that I already have. Thanks for the inspiration and Happy Sunday!
Love your ideas
Such a lovely sweet wreath. I’m in Columbus, Ohio and you know what the weather has been like the past couple of weeks. Could definitely use something with the promise of spring to brighten things up. Love the wreath. Also, can’t wait to try the scones. I love anything lemon.
Love Love Love the wreath! Thanks for sharing all of your ideas!
You are so right,Ann. After all the Christmas decoration is put away it just feels bare. For a few days it’s nice. However, like you say you realize you need something. I love the idea of using embroidery hoops. I am goIng to make a smaller one for my kitchen window.
In Alabama we are having unusually cold weather and it gets depressing. Having a project is good therapy to do on the days you don’t want to get out.
Thanks for inspiring and sharing.
Have a nice Sunday Ann & thank-you for the how-to for the pretty wreath.