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UPDATED FOR 2024: use this Thanksgiving planner to make the holiday easy for you, and so lovely for your family & friends. Includes planning and organization pages, turkey tips, a Thanksgiving prayer, and more.

The holiday season is full of challenges. To save our sanity, it’s helpful to prepare for both Thanksgiving and Christmas at the same time. Thanksgiving comes very late in November, so to wait until it’s over to start preparations for Christmas just doesn’t make any sense. To help keep you organized, and juggle two holidays at once, I’ve put together a simple-to-use Thanksgiving planner.

Thanksgiving Planner Includes:

  • Cover page
  • September calendar
  • October calendar
  • November calendar
  • Guest list
  • Menu planner
  • Recipe page
  • Grocery shopping list
  • Table setting plan
  • Thanksgiving Day timeline
  • Printable napkin rings
  • Thanksgiving prayer
  • Turkey Tips
2024 thanksgiving planner graphic

*Affiliate links included. Click HERE for my disclosure statement.

How to Organize Your Planner

If you use a calendar binder, this Thanksgiving planner can go right in front. Another idea is to put your Thanksgiving planner and Christmas planner in a binder of their own. That way, when it’s time to add the planners for next year, you will have these planners right there for referral. You can think of it as a holiday diary…and an organized one at that!

printable mockup round board grain sack towel thanksgiving prayer

Thanksgiving Prayer

I used an excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem, “We Thank Thee,” and added a short little verse at the end. It’s a simple reminder to be grateful, and to wish your family and friends a happy holiday season. This Thanksgiving prayer can be printed two to a page, and placed on every chair, so it can be recited by everyone. Or it can be placed at the head of the table, and recited by just one person. (Both versions are included in the PDF.)

thanksgiving planner cover mockup

Printing Tips

I suggest printing the entire PDF file first, and then if you need multiple copies of some pages, print those as well. The best and easiest way to download and print PDF files is to use Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a free product and simple to install. Click {HERE} to learn more. **Make sure to uncheck the optional offers for the McAfee products.

**Please note: if you are already an OSP email subscriber, go ahead and fill out the form below. I will send the download straight to your inbox. My email company makes sure you won’t have duplicate subscriptions.

If you don’t currently subscribe to OSP, and would like to receive this planner, just fill out the form below. It will promptly arrive in your email inbox. You will also receive OSP updates, announcements, and other exclusive offers.

To my current subscribers, once again I want to say how grateful I am for your support. To any new subscribers who join to get this Thanksgiving Planner, I want to say welcome! Thank you all so much…


Get holiday stress relief with ten simple & timely tips. Conquer that to-do list and stay organized with the Home for the Holidays Christmas Planner!

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  1. Gail Holcomb says:

    Thank you so much for the planners. I feel so disorganized right now and these will be a big help! Happy Holidays!

  2. This is wonderful!!! Thank you so much for putting this together.

  3. Mary Kay Erb says:

    Hi Ann
    I gifted my daughter your garden journal that I printed (I added pictures from her 2022 garden). She was thrilled to have the journal . It is just beautiful. Thank you for creating the journal and sharing it.

  4. Bunny Moeller says:

    I love all of your content. I look forward to reading all of your posts. Thank you! Your planners are perfect!

  5. alda ellis says:

    Yes! I am certainly a planner…and I am enjoying yours too. They are pretty and I keep mine from year to year to see how changes have been made from guests, family members and menus. Thank you for sharing and I especially love the prayer. Your work is wonderful. Blessings to you and yours,

  6. Thank you for these planners. They are a delightful way to keep organized or at least try to. 😉

  7. Thank you Ann! The planner and prayer will certainly get me in the mood for for these two busy holidays! And now I can do it with style and organization! Thank you.

  8. Love love love all of your beautiful things. The free printables are so great.

  9. Thank you so much for this beautiful Thanksgiving planner! I have a hodgepodge of recipes, etc. that I’ve always used, but your planner is so pretty that I’m going to transfer everything to it. I plan to use the napkin rings and prayers, too. Thankful!

  10. Ann Grace says:

    Hi Ann,
    I printed this today on beautiful cream cardstock and then bound it. A friend at work who loves lovely paper as much as I do, begged for a copy. We adore it!
    She stopped in my office later in the day and said, “when do you think the Christmas one will be out!”. I’m so glad I subscribed–your blog is wonderful!!
    Thank you!

  11. Lee Durden says:

    LOVE the Thanksgiving prayer!
    May God bless you & yours this holiday season.

  12. Thank you once again for your beautiful printables. I’m getting quite a collection since I save them and use them again and again. I have one of your teacup printables hanging always in my kitchen.
    I plan to use the Thanksgiving Prayer as our blessing (or saying grace) at our Thanksgiving Dinner.

  13. These are so pretty & so practical! Thank you!

  14. Planning actually helps relieve stress. This is a great idea. Especially during the upcoming holidays.

    I love the thanksgiving print. We have so much to be thankful for and seeing the print is a wonderful reminder for all

    Thank you Ann for always sharing