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Easy porch fall decorating ideas that are budget-friendly and festive. Use the colors of the season, mums, and pumpkins to add a touch of autumn to your outdoor space!

porch fall decorating ideas pillows on rockers

Welcome to 20 Minute Decorating…a collection of ideas that we present every month, and all of them can be accomplished in twenty minutes or less. Our crew is back again with some lovely inspiration, so take a look when you get to the end of the post.

porch fall decorating ideas sitting area

I had two goals for our fall decor this year…to keep it simple, and reuse items I already had. Those goals shouldn’t surprise you, because it’s basically the way I live my life! The entire wreath you see on our front door was free, because I used items that I found in my fall storage bins. I have to admit that I was a little surprised at how easily it came together. I definitely had my doubts when I started! My only new purchases were the doormat and striped rug…which I love, so I’m glad I got them.


white rockers on porch with orange mums

The sitting area of our porch is simple and quick to refresh for the seasons. I gave the table and chairs a quick cleaning, added pillows that I had previously used inside, placed the buckets of mums, and filled the lanterns.

fall wreath on blue door with mum planters

porch fall decorating ideas white rocker with pillow

Porch Fall Decorating Ideas: 2 Tips

Using what you have saves money and time. Shop your house for pillows or throws that have been around for a while, that you won’t mind using outside. I bet there’s a bin or two someplace in your house that has pumpkins and other fall decor in it…take a look and see what you can find!

Reuse your summer planters, but refresh them with fall plants. My summer planters were made up of SunPatiens, sweet potato vines, and ivy. I removed the SunPatiens and sweet potato vine, but left the ivy, because it was still beautiful. The sweet potato vine had begun to fade, so it had to go. I added mums in the middle, and balanced the corners with a trio of little faux pumpkins. You can see my summer planters HERE.

fall planters with ivy mums and pumpkins

mums and ivy in planter home doormat1

It’s been so hot that I haven’t been able to spend much time on the porch. The day I took these pictures it was 90 degrees, and I needed a shower when I was finished! I know some of you are having a hard time getting into the mood for fall, and I totally understand. Between the hot temps, hurricanes, and COVID, life is not what we’re used to. Two things I know for sure.  Cooler temps are coming, and this too shall pass. At some point, face masks and hand sanitizer will be back in the cupboard, and not in our handbags.

porch fall decorating orange mums

Fall is calling…so go ahead and greet the season by adding some fall decor to your porch or outdoor space. That way, when that first crisp day arrives, you’ll be ready.

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Your porch is lovely. Recently, I have been cleaning out a large closet that is really a substitute “Attic” for me. I am curious about where you store your seasonal items. I enjoy seasonal decorating; however, it does require some storage.

  2. Kathy Menold says:

    You are definitely right about this past few months being difficult. We are back to temps in the 90s too and it’s hard to think of fall decorating. Most I can do so far is bring out some apples and pears to replace lemons and limes, hang a cotton boll wreath on the kitchen wall , make some lists of what I am going to do and order a few new pillow covers. It is just too hot to drag out my bins of fall decor and take an inventory.
    They promise a cool down this weekend so I will just try to be patient. Thanks for your pretty porch pictures.

  3. Ann your porch is definitely ready for fall. It’s cheerful, colorful and welcoming to anyone who visits your home!!! I still have summer going but I will soon make the change. I love summer so I try to hang on as long as I can but I know fall is coming. We, too, still have 90 degree temps so it’s hard to thing about a change in the seasons. Thank you for sharing your beautiful porch and all of the pretty decor. Stay safe.

  4. MARY-ANN (FROM CANADA!) says:

    Your front porch is so pretty, Ann! Love the fall colors! The mums in your urns and your new mats just add that special fall feeling! You always do such a great job with decorating your front porch for the seasons! Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. Teddee Grace says:

    Yellow. One of my favorite colors! Love your porch and those planters. Unfortunately they are out of stock, but I love your plantings and pumpkins.

    1. Ann Drake says:

      Hi Teddee…they have gone in and out of stock all summer. If you really want them, check back!

  6. Ann…your porch always looks so welcoming. Love the gold tones.
    You are giving me the itch to pull out my fall decorating.

  7. Your front porch looks lovely.The gold pillows add a softness and the door mat says it all.Happy fall !