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By repurposing items I already had, I was able to make this fun autumn door wreath for free! Step-by-step directions are included, along with sources for the materials.

autumn door wreath with fall planters1

Sometimes, the best things in life are free. I know that may sound incredibly corny, but it’s true! That’s the case with my new autumn door wreath. Last Christmas, I made a door wreath using various types of greenery, and each type of greenery was placed on the wreath in a section. You can see that wreath HERE. I love this look, so using what I already had, I created something similar for fall.

I was prepared to purchase what I needed for this wreath, but after rummaging through my bins of fall decor, I discovered that I had everything I needed! I used the grapevine wreath, with the eucalyptus garland attached, that I had made in the spring. I had the cotton bolls, sunflowers, and wheat from previous projects.

*Keep in mind that the wreath sections can be assembled with anything you have on hand. Some suggestions are:

  • lamb’s ear
  • faux boxwood
  • fall berries
  • billy buttons
  • orange pumpkins
  • mums

*Affiliate links included. Click HERE for my disclosure statement.

autumn door wreath pumpkins cotton bolls sunflowers

Make an Autumn Door Wreath

Supplies needed:

autumn door wreath supplies

Step 1: Place a garland of greenery on the grapevine wreath, and attach it with florist wire in four places. If you don’t have a garland, any type of greenery will work. The greenery makes a base for the decorative items, and a garland is easy and quick to attach.

Step 2: Decide on the sections. It’s helpful to place the items on the wreath to figure out the spacing.

use skewer to make a hole in pumpkin

Step 3: Begin with the pumpkins. Using a skewer or awl, punch a hole through each pumpkin. Thread a piece of florist wire through the hole, and attach each pumpkin to the wreath. Make sure to tuck in the excess wire.

wired pumpkin for autumn door wreath

Step 4: Travel around the wreath, attaching the other items in sections. The floral stems do not need to be wired. Trim the stems with wire cutters, and just insert them into the grapevine.

white pumpkins on autumn door wreath

Clearly if you were to buy all the materials to make this wreath, it would be pricey. My hope is that you will take the idea, and make it your own by using what you already have. Even if you have most of the items, and need to buy just a few things, that’s way better than starting from scratch!

sunflowers on autumn door wreath

Autumn Door Wreath Tips

  • This autumn door wreath was not hard at all…but it did take some time. It’s helpful to assemble the wreath sitting at a table, or at your kitchen island. Definitely don’t try to make this wreath on the floor!
  • When I hung the wreath on our door, I discovered that the wheat section stuck out quite a bit. Every time I opened the door, the wheat got in the way. Instead of moving the sections, I decided to trim the wheat. If you recreate this wreath, and use wheat, place it on the other side if the wreath, or on the top or bottom, so it won’t get in your way.
  • I used light-weight styrofoam pumpkins, but real gourds and/or pumpkins can be used. Use the same skewer and wire method to attach them. Real gourds and pumpkins last longer if they are properly prepared. See the link below for the easy directions. When the season is over, just remove the gourds before storing the wreath.

How to Preserve Pumpkins & Gourds

sherwin williams naval front door


See the rest of the porch!


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  1. Melissa Bonser says:

    Thank you , Ann! I love your style, so elegant yet simple. Looking forward to looking in my bins to see what i have!

  2. Teddee Grace says:

    I like this one a lot! Thanks for sharing.

  3. 5 stars
    Ann, thank you! The wreath is magnificent and the instructions on how to wire the little pumpkins are exactly what I needed. I am constantly in trouble with my family for the things I’ve glued on wreaths that fall off when you open the door!

  4. Hi Ann-I absolutely appreciate your style voices. I noticed you have white walls. Would you please share the color of the paint. There’s so many whites out there!

  5. Beautiful wreath Ann!
    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

  6. I love the wreath! Very pretty and so smart to reuse what we have and recreate. I didn’t think about attaching the pumpkins that way. It seems it would make it much easier for them to stay on the wreath, especially in windy areas.

  7. Love your wreath-I also like the color of your door. Would you share the color? I would love to paint out door a similar color.

      1. Kathy Menold says:

        Your wreath is delightful and using what you have just great. I was thing how easy it would be to change up the sunflowers for mums or fall foliage clusters later in the season. Love the versitility.

  8. I just did a similar thing with my fall door and porch decor. I owned a black spray painted wicker bicycle basket for many many years. I filled it with a few newly purchased fall flower sprays, but I filled it in with some dried allium flower heads from our garden that my husband spray painted gold. I hung it with a pretty ribbon on the storm door. Very minimal cost, but I did add a new black/white indoor/outdoor carpet. I already had two white rockers but I added black chair pads I already had, and folded a gold blanket over the back. I already had a tall black planter that we will put a huge jumbo mum in. I already own many black lanterns, so we hung one from a hook on the front porch and added a battery candle. Other items include black lantern outside lights, as well as a black/gold house number plaque. Didn’t cost much, and it should carry us well into the Christmas holidays. I love your wreath – very classy.

    1. Ann Drake says:

      Sounds lovely…thank you for sharing!

  9. We love free ! I always try to repurpose things to create something new.

  10. Kathy Menold says:

    Love your fall wreath. I really need to get out my fall decor bins and see what I have before I get sucked in to buying new. I know I have several wreaths I can revamp for both Fall and Winter and lots of faux flowers ,leaves and grasses. No excuse now that our weather here in N.C has finally gotten a little cooler with less humidity. Thanks for your inspiration.

  11. Seems like yesterday that we were excited about spring. Hard to believe it is almost September
    I love the way the wreath looks and such a great idea to repurpose what we have

    I think during this covid 19 season we are in it is very important to repurpose many things we have. It is a new learning experience for all of us.

    As always Ann thanks for sharing. You are always inspiring us